Jesus Knows Every Thought
Message From Jesus: To the Little Apostle of the True Faith on 04/07/2024
I know every thought of your hearts, and I feel the distress you endure. The Lord, the King of Heaven and Earth, will always rescue those dear to Him, His righteous ones. Recall the time in Galilee when I spoke to my followers and apostles, answering their questions about the return of the Son of Man. I emphasized that no one should be eager to know the exact hour, but instead, blessed are those who recognize the signs that will precede my coming.
Consider the lessons I imparted through the parables of the fig tree, the wise virgins prepared with oil for their lamps, and the importance of doing the will of my Father.
As the obedient Son, I made it clear that the timing of my return would not be revealed, but that all should be prepared and ready to meet the Lord.
It is not the exact hour you should seek to know, but rather the disposition of your hearts—prepared, watchful, and faithful. That knowledge belongs only to the Father, whose omnipotence, omniscience, and omnipresence allow Him to exercise His will in all circumstances and at all times.
The key to readiness is not to worry about the hour, but to live each day with vigilant faith, fulfilling the commands of my Father and remaining steadfast in love.
Those who are prepared will find themselves in the light of my coming, for it will be a moment of joy for those who have lived in hope and trust.
I invite you to live every day as though it could be the day of my return, living in the grace I offer, focusing on the higher things of Heaven, and trusting in my providence.
Let not the worries of this world distract you from your true calling. The Father knows the appointed time, and it is for His glory and wisdom alone to decide.
You, My beloved, are called to walk in the light of faith, to heed the signs He sends, and to live with a heart full of love and preparedness for the eternal union that awaits you.