Through My Eyes: The Father Weeps
Message From Jesus: To the Little Apostle of the True Faith on 04/09/2024
Belovd Ones,
Through My eyes, the Father has wept for generations of unbelievers; through My Sacred Heart, He has felt their sins and transgressions.
In My suffering on the Cross, I, the Son, took upon Myself the weight of their pride, idolatry, and indifference. By offering Myself as the perfect sacrifice, I made reparation for the sins of the world, fulfilling the will of the Father and atoning for all humanity.
Through My Passion, I opened the gates of Heaven, offering redemption to all who turn to Me in faith and repentance. In this act of infinite love, the Father’s mercy and justice were perfectly reconciled.
The Justice of the Father requires that sin be accounted for, yet His Mercy desires that none should be lost. It is in My Sacrifice that these two are made one. I bore the wounds of mankind so that you may be healed. I endured rejection so that you may be reconciled. I embraced suffering so that you may have life and have it abundantly .
My Heart, pierced upon the Cross, remains open for all. Come to Me, you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest .
To reject My mercy is to face the full weight of justice. The gates of Heaven remain open, but only for those who choose to enter through Me, for I am the Way, the Truth, and the Life .
Seek Me while I may be found. Turn your hearts toward My Sacred Heart, for the time of grace is now.
I bless you with my divine love.