Jesus’ Message: I Am Always With You

Message From Jesus: To the Little Apostle of the True Faith on 04/06/2024

Beloved Child, thank you for your adoration. I Am who I Am. It is my desire to let you know, my beloved, that I Am always with you and all my children. Let not your hearts be troubled!

Oh, how my Heart grieves to see my followers struggle to listen, to feel secure in my love, my providence, and the infinite shelter I provide—with Heaven as their future home.

Child, I long for all my children to understand that all will be well; fear should never hold sway in your hearts or minds. Your mind should always be fixed on higher things, on Heaven, where your true home is.

May my divine peace and eternal love be upon you always.

Go forth in my light, assured that I Am with you—guiding you, protecting you, and leading you to eternal joy in my Heavenly Kingdom.


Jesus Knows Every Thought


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