God the Father: I Long to Bless America
Message From Jesus: To the Little Apostle of the True Faith on 03/26/2024
God, The Father:
Children of The United States Of America,
I call upon you to awaken and open your hearts to My love and the guidance. of my Spirit. The times are pressing, and the world is in need of repentance, and healing. I urge you, children of this nation, to turn back to my Heart of God with contrite hearts, to seek My mercy, and to be instruments of peace, justice, and love.
You have been entrusted with a great responsibility—to live as witnesses to My truth in a world that is often blinded by falsehoods and distractions. Listen to the quiet whisper of My voice calling you to holiness and righteousness. Be strong in faith, steadfast in prayer, and united in love for one another.
Remember that your hope is not in the things of this world, but in the eternal promises I offered you.
I desire that all will receive My mercy , that you may be saved .
I long to pour out My grace upon all, that you may return to Me and be spared from the wrath that will come upon those who reject My love.
Your nation, My faithful ones, will be protected at this time, and all shall be well with you, My children.
Honour the intercession of your your Divine Mother and unite in prayer with my angels and my saints, in the true Church of My Son. Those who do My Will, who love Me with simplicity and devotion, shall find refuge in My Holy Heart.
Let this be a time of grace, where My mercy is poured out upon all who seek it. Stay true to the path of righteousness, for you are My beloved children, and My love for you is unshakeable.
Let My grace strengthen you as you face the challenges , trusting in my Will for you and the world.