About The Messages

Understanding  The Heavenly Ark’s  Message

What is the Heavenly Ark?

Heavenly Ark is a spiritual treasury where the faithful can encounter ongoing private revelations imparted by the Sacred Heart of Jesus, the Blessed Virgin Mary, and the Saints. These divine communications exhort repentance, holiness, and fidelity to the Deposit of Faith entrusted to the One, Holy, Catholic, and Apostolic Church.

The title Heavenly Ark does not denote an exclusive reference to the Blessed Virgin Mary. Although Mary is venerated under the title “Ark of the New Covenant” (as affirmed by Sacred Tradition and the Magisterium, cf. Lumen Gentium and CCC 963) because she bore the incarnate Word, this designation highlights her unique role in salvation history without limiting the scope of these revelations. Rather, the name Heavenly Ark signifies a spiritual vessel of divine wisdom— the platform preserves and disseminates heavenly messages that illuminate the path of salvation.

The Church distinguishes private revelation from Public Revelation, which concluded with the death of the last Apostle. While private revelations do not introduce new doctrine, they serve to guide the faithful toward deeper conversion and greater fidelity to the Gospel. The messages presented here conform to the perennial truths of the Catholic Faith and remain subject to the discernment and teaching authority of the Church’s Magisterium.


Dear beloved in Christ,

These messages are the fruit of private revelations that I, Grace—later named by our Lord Jesus as The Little Apostle of the True Faith—have received from His Sacred Heart, the Blessed Virgin Mary, and the Saints.

As the Catholic Church teaches, private revelations, while recognised by the Church, do not belong to the Deposit of Faith. According to the Catechism (CCC 67):

“Throughout the ages, there have been so-called 'private' revelations, some of which have been recognized by the authority of the Church. They do not belong, however, to the deposit of faith. It is not their role to improve or complete Christ’s definitive Revelation, but to help live more fully by it in a certain period of history.”

In sharing these messages, I do so in full obedience to the Church’s guidance (Canon 823). Although some of these mystical experiences are expressed in symbolic language—illustrating spiritual truths rather than describing literal events—the overall message is in full accord with the authentic teachings of the Church.

It is with great humility and reverence that Heavenly Ark shares these celestial messages—not as a substitute for the authoritative teaching of the Church, but as an invitation to prayer, penance, and a deeper union with the Divine Will. My spiritual director has reviewed these writings and affirmed that they are in complete harmony with the sacred teachings of the Holy Catholic Faith.

May the Holy Spirit enlighten your heart, and may the Blessed Mother guide you ever closer to Her Son, Jesus Christ. Let us walk together in faith, hope, and love, trusting always in the boundless mercy of God.

In Christ’s peace,




The decree of the “Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith,” was published in the “Official Acts of the Holy See” (A.A.S) 58/16, dated December 29, 1996. Articles 1399 and 2318 of Canon Law are repealed by this decree. This decree of repeal was approved on October 14, 1966 by His Holiness the Sovereign Pontiff Paul VI, who at the same time ordered the publication.

This approval by the Holy Father took place during an audience with His Eminence Cardinal Ottaviani, Pro-Prefect for the “Congregation of for the Doctrine of the Faith.” The decree was made in Rome, November 15, 1966 and has the signature of: 

A. Cardinal Ottaviani, Pro-Prefect

B. Párente, Secretary

The decree took effect three months after its publication, on March 29, 1967.   CANON 1399   (Canon 1399 prohibited by right the publication of certain books such as those about revelations, visions, prophecies, and miracles.( THE CANON 1399 WAS REVOKED ON MARCH 29, 1967). Therefore, this means Catholics have the permission—without the imprimatur or Nihil-Obstat, or another permission—to make publications about revelations, visions, prophecies, and miracles. Of course these publications cannot endanger Faith or Morality.

 This is the general rule every Catholic must follow in every action, as far as what is reported, especially reporters. WITH ALL THE MORE REASON IT IS PERMITTED FOR CATHOLICS TO FREQUENT SITES OF APPARITIONS, EVEN THOSE NOT RECOGNIZED BY THE ORDINARIES OF THE DIOCESE  OR BY THE HOLY FATHER, GIVEN THAT THE CATHOLIC VISITORS THAT VISIT OR FREQUENT THESE SITES MUST RESPECT FAITH AND MORALITY. Nevertheless, they are not subject to any ecclesial discipline, not even for their public prayers. Permission is only required for the celebration of the Holy Mass or any other religious service.

CANON 1399

Canon 1399 prohibited by right the publication of certain books such as those about revelations, visions, prophecies, and miracles. THE CANON WAS REVOKED ON MARCH 29, 1967. Therefore, this means Catholics have the permission—without the imprimatur or Nihil-Obstat, or another permission—to make publications about revelations, visions, prophecies, and miracles. Of course these publications cannot endanger Faith or Morality. This is the general rule every Catholic must follow in every action, as far as what is reported, especially reporters.

WITH ALL THE MORE REASON IT IS PERMITTED FOR CATHOLICS TO FREQUENT SITES OF APPARITIONS, EVEN THOSE NOT RECOGNIZED BY THE ORDINARIES OF THE DIOCESE  OR BY THE HOLY FATHER, GIVEN THAT THE CATHOLIC VISITORS THAT VISIT OR FREQUENT THESE SITES MUST RESPECT FAITH AND MORALITY. Nevertheless, they are not subject to any ecclesial discipline, not even for their public prayers. Permission is only required for the celebration of the Holy Mass or any other religious service. 

CANON 2318

Canon 2318 carried punishments against those who violated the censorship and prohibition laws. THIS CANON WAS REVOKED SINCE 1966. ECCLESIASTICAL CENSORSHIP CANNOT BE INCURRED FOR FREQUENTING PLACES OF APPARITIONS NOT EVEN THOSE NOT RECOGNIZED BY ORDINARIES OF THE DIOCESE OR BY THE HOLY FATHER. Also, “those who have incurred censure death with in Canon 2318 will be absolved by act of abrogation of this Canon” - Cardinal Ottaviani.

Final Thoughts: Discerning Heaven’s Voice  

God continues to speak to souls in various ways, calling us to conversion, prayer, and holiness. While not all private revelations receive official approval, the Church reminds us that the ultimate goal is union with Christ through the sacraments and faithful living.

If you feel drawn to Heaven’s messages, pray for discernment, seek the guidance of the Church, and always remain rooted in the truths of the Catholic faith.

🔹 “Do not quench the Spirit. Do not despise prophetic utterances. But test everything; hold fast to what is good.” — 1 Thessalonians 5:19-21