Virgin Mary's Guidance on Parenting
Message From Blessed Virgin Mary - 02/14/25 at 6:00pm
My dear children,
Dear ones,
I come to you with a tender heart as your Mother, to call you once again to conversion. In these troubled times, many young souls find themselves adrift in darkness. Without embracing God's boundless mercy and responding to His call to repentance, their eternal destiny may lead to separation from His love.
The youth have been misled by the deceptions of the evil one, who employs modern means of communication and the influence of misguided ideologies—even those from individuals meant to guide them in faith. Through ignorance and hardened hearts, many have rejected the loving mercy of God and have missed the opportunity to reconcile with Him and receive the gift of salvation.
Would these young ones choose such a dreadful destiny if they truly understood the torments of the underworld?
If they were aware of their eternal fate, would they not seek the truth of God and strive to understand the mysteries of life?
Why aren’t they taught the full truth of God’s revelation and our Church’s teachings? And why does today’s world seem to push aside the timeless truths and moral values of Christianity?
I pray daily for all families on Earth, and I implore you—both children and parents—to remember that the family is the first school of faith.
It is in the home that children learn to pray the Rosary, to love God, and to serve one another; it is there that parents must nurture their children with the charity of Christ. A family that does not grow together in faith risks disunity and a lack of grace, leading to bitterness and spiritual decay.
Once again, I call upon you, dear parents, to heed my message and instruct your children in the ways of God. Let your lives be a living testimony of sanctity as you remain united with my Son, Jesus. Strive to become a holy role model for your children, and trust that Jesus will complete the work in their hearts.
As you reflect on these truths and immerse yourselves daily in the Scriptures, may you be guided by God's wisdom and grace.
Remember that your family is the primary school of faith—where your children learn to pray, love, and serve. By living a life of holiness and devotion, you become living witnesses of the Gospel, a precious gift to your children and to the world.
Go forth with peace and faith, knowing that my maternal Heart is always with you, guiding you toward the embrace of my Son’s eternal mercy and love.
May you always seek the guidance of the Holy Spirit, relying on the wisdom of the Church and my intercession, so that you and your families remain united in faith and love.
I bestow upon you my maternal blessings.