Ignoring God:The Danger of Moral Decline
Message From Blessed Virgin Mary To The Little Apostle on: -02/13/24
Dear Children,
For some time now, my Son has been urging the world to undergo a profound transformation of heart. Yet, as humanity continues along its current path, the children of God will face increasingly abrupt and challenging trials, born from a growing decline in the integrity and purity of hearts.
In its pride, humanity has chosen to follow its own conscience while excluding God from its decisions. This defiance of the divine order endangers the moral and ethical foundations that have long safeguarded and nurtured your souls.
By crossing these sacred limits, God's children risk venturing into unfamiliar and perilous territories—places where the reassuring presence of traditional values and divine principles may be less evident. Such a journey could lead to suffering and unforeseen consequences, my beloved ones. Let us pray together, my children, for the world and its heart!
My dear child, do you remember the scriptural account of Sodom and Gomorrah, when moral decay brought divine judgment?
Little Apostle:
Yes, Holy Mother.
In this generation, too, times reminiscent of those ancient days are unfolding, and humanity may suffer through events that warn you to return to God in repentance.
Little Apostle: Please, Mother, let us pray more fervently and plead for God's mercy! I feel so sad. I have confidence that through our prayers, the world will be transformed by God's goodness! May the revelation you have shared be averted and not afflict us. What you have shown me about our future is so sorrowful and frightening!
Mary: Child, indeed it is sorrowful, and that is why I come to warn my children of the great suffering that is rapidly approaching. Yet, as I have shown you in many of my messages, God in His mercy has shortened the time to protect His faithful ones.
Dear children,
Just as God the Father revealed to Abraham His intention to bring justice upon Sodom and Gomorrah for their grave sins, He also instructed Abraham to intercede for his relatives, warning them to flee from the impending destruction.
In the same way, I, your Heavenly Mother, come to you now with a maternal plea, imploring you to turn back to God with sincere hearts.
The world today, much like in those times, suffers from a disregard for God’s Holy Presence and His divine law.
My children, I urge you to embrace prayer, especially the Holy Rosary, as a powerful means of intercession for yourselves and others. Be steadfast in faith, rooted in the truth of the Gospel and the teachings of the Church, for it is through prayer, repentance, and fidelity to God that you will be preserved from spiritual harm and grow in holiness.
May my mantle of protection and grace enfold you, shielding you from every trial and tribulation. Trust in my maternal love, which leads you unfailingly to the Sacred Heart of my Son.
As your Heavenly Mother, I bless you with enduring love and an urgent plea for conversion.
Mary to the Little Apostle: (- Little one, I wish to come to you again tomorrow at the hour of grace granted to me by my Son, —6pm. Arrange your life to return to prayer at that time. I also wish to come to you during the remainder days of this month, so that we may pray together for your nation and for peace in the world. Will you come to this same church to pray with me and receive my counsel, my child?)
Little apostle: -Yes, my Mother. May God's will be done always! Mother, pray for me, that I may be strengthened in these trials I face. Hold me close to your Immaculate Heart and so that I may endure with faith and courage.
Mary: This enduring trial will end soon, dear child.
Prepare always your heart to receive the wisdom that my Immaculate Heart longs to impart to you and to my children. My motherly thoughts will flow with greater strength, bringing abundant grace to you. Oh, dear child, endure a little longer. Jesus will strengthen you. Receive Him daily in the Holy Eucharist, you will find the courage, grace, and renewal you need to persevere. Trust in His infinite love.
I Bless you . God in peace, daughter!