Jesus Hopes in You: Open Your Heart

Message From Blessed Virgin Mary - 05/13/24 at 12pm


Dear Children,

I call you, as a mother, to keep your hearts open to my Son, Jesus, for He delights in your trust and love and longs to lead you to the fullness of His divine light. He has placed His hope in you. When the world troubles your soul, remember that it is the evil one stirring, for he fears the power that your faith, prayers, and sacrifices awaken .

Do not be afraid! My Son is with you always. Stand firm, be at peace in your soul, and let your heart be steadfast in faith. The Sacraments are your armor, the Holy Scriptures are your sword, and your prayers are a shield against the enemy’s attacks. Lift your voice in prayer and reparation, and God will draw near in your hour of need.

If trials persist, do not despair but offer everything to my Son. Surrender fully, lay your burdens upon His Sacred Heart, and trust that He knows all things. In this sacred offering, your soul will be purified, your love for God and neighbor will increase, and grace will strengthen you.

Through this fire of purification, God permits the soul to be tested, that it may grow in wisdom and holiness. In time, He may grant you the grace to perceive the mysteries of Heaven, leading you into a deeper union with His Divine Will.

My children, pray, pray, pray! Through prayer, penance, and conversion of heart, you will help save souls and bring peace to the world . I am with you in these times, as I have been in Lourdes, Fatima, La Salette, and Guadalupe, calling all my children to repentance, faith, and trust in God’s mercy.

I bless you with my motherly love and intercede for you before the throne of my Son. Do not lose heart, but remain faithful!




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