The Power of Sacramentals

Message From Blessed Virgin Mary - 05/19/24 at 6:00pm


Children of My Immaculate Heart,

My Son’s Heart is an inexhaustible fountain of mercy, ready to receive all who turn back to Him with sincere repentance.

I urge you: return to the sacraments!

With a mother’s love, I invite you to embrace the sacramentals of the Church, precious gifts given by God to guide, protect, and strengthen you. They are signs of His grace, preparing your hearts to receive His blessings and shielding you from the snares of the enemy.

Use holy water to cleanse your soul and home, recalling the grace of Baptism. It is a powerful means of protection, sprinkle it in your homes to purify your surroundings.

Wear the Brown Scapular as a sign of your consecration to my motherly Heart and trust in the Miraculous Medal, given for your protection and as a reminder of my motherly intercession.

The St. Benedict Medal carries great power against evil and temptation. Keep the crucifix near you, for it is a sign of salvation and victory over darkness.

Pray the Holy Rosary daily, for through it, I lead you closer to my Son.

Let blessed candles bring light into your homes, especially during times of prayer and trial.

Use incense to lift your prayers to Heaven and drive away the presence of evil.

Trust in the holy oils for healing and strengthening.

Seek your parents' blessings, or those of your priests and bishops, for they impart divine grace and protection.

Surround yourselves with holy images—visual reminders of my Jesus, my presence, and the saints. These sacred depictions, venerated in homes , inspire devotion and strengthen faith.

Call upon the Holy Name of Jesus, for in His name, every knee must bow.

The Sign of the Cross is a shield of grace, protecting you in body and soul.

In moments of spiritual battle, turn to the official prayers of the Church against evil spirits. The St. Michael the Archangel Prayer is a powerful defense, my dear ones, given to you as a weapon against darkness.

Know that the prayers of deliverance and exorcisms of the Church are powerful aids against the enemy’s deception.

My children, these sacramentals are gifts of mercy, placed in your hands to help you walk in holiness and remain under God’s protection. Use them with faith and love, and you will be strengthened in grace, drawn ever closer to the Heart of my Son.

Give thanks to Almighty God, whose infinite mercy prepares His children for the challenges ahead. Through faith, prayer, and the sacramentals of the Catholic Church, you are never alone. Trust in His divine guidance and protection.

In dark and uncertain times, the angels' protection will surround you as a shield. Their light will illuminate your path, as the pillars of cloud and fire guided the Israelites. Trust in God’s loving care and let His guidance fortify your heart.

With my motherly love, I bless you!

May my Son Jesus grant you His peace and fill your hearts with courage and hope.


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