Mother Mary, Are You With Us in Our Trials and Joys?
Message From Blessed Virgin Mary - 10/13/24 at 6pm
Today, my little ones, I bring you a message from my Son to strengthen you amid the challenges you face—in your families and within His holy Church.
Oh, how much I love you!
Beloved, know that Heaven watches over you in your hours of trial and suffering, as well as in your moments of joy and peace. I, your mother, am with you, and my Son, Jesus, is with you too. Our hearts hold each of you close, for we see the struggles you endure, the longings in your hearts, and the burdens you carry. Do not be afraid, for you are never alone.
Trust that my Son walks with you. He sees every sorrow, every joy, and every silent prayer rising from your hearts. Heaven is not distant—it is near, watching, intervening, and guiding you in ways beyond your understanding, yet ways in which you must trust.
I bless you today with my motherly love and the assurance of my constant presence by your side!