The Devil's Persecution of Adolescents
Message From Blessed Virgin Mary - 10/03/23 at 6:00pm
My Beloved Children,
May my Immaculate Heart be a protective refuge for you, and know that you are always welcome as my children.
I implore every family to honor the Heart of God and safeguard their loved ones through a devoted life of prayer, especially by invoking the intercession of St. Michael through the St. Michael’s Chaplet.
There is an imminent threat from the Evil One—a grave danger that could lead to a large-scale massacre of adolescents worldwide.
Prepare yourselves, beloved children, for a series of sudden, devastating events that will bring shock and deep sorrow to many.
Satan despises how the youth have been inspired by a life of holiness, fervent prayer, and reverence for God, the Most High.
He is not satisfied with merely leading many young people astray through the modern lifestyles of his world; he will begin to attack them mercilessly until he has decimated the youth of the world.
Every time a young heart is lost to Satan and loses faith in God, Satan rejoices proudly and lets out a great roar in the depths of Hades, summoning all the demons and all the condemned human souls near him to honor him as their God.
The atrocities that occur are hard to witness, but I, as your heavenly Mother, must reveal them to you.
I am the terror of the demons because my sacred mantle, which was granted to me by your Savior, my Son Jesus, blinds them with its divine light, hiding and protecting you, my beloved children, from their attacks.
I bless you, my children, with my maternal love always!
{Daughter,I shall return tomorrow and in the coming days to further address the existence of hell and its reality. I earnestly desire that many young people read this message—a revelation from my Immaculate Heart—so that they may be guided by the truth of God’s eternal plan and the hope offered by my Son’s unfathomable mercy}.