Be Brave Children

Message From Blessed Virgin Mary - 11/27/24 at 6:00pm


Hold fast, my beloved ones, and let not your love grow cold, especially in these days of trial. Though the times may seem dark, remember this: the gates of hell shall not prevail against my Son’s Church. Be assured of this divine promise as you stand firm in faith.

Furthermore, let your hearts be fortified by the unwavering light of divine truth. God's infinite love and the sanctity of my Son’sChurch are your ultimate sources of strength amid trials.

Dear Children, a life rooted in prayer, charity, and great faith is a powerful defense against the forces of darkness. Embrace these divine truths with hope and humility, allowing the guidance of the Holy Spirit to draw you always closer to the Heart of my Son, Jesus. Trust in His promise, for the gates of hell shall not prevail against the Church of Christ.

I bless you with my motherly love!


Power of Praise


Children of The Eucharist