The Role of Parents and Educators

Message From Blessed Virgin Mary - 01/11/25 at 12:00pm

My Beloved Children,

The youth of this generation are in grave danger, seduced by the deceptions of darkness and ignorance. Why have they not been properly educated and evangelized in the truth of God, Most High? Why does your culture seem to erase Christian values and teachings, leaving the young to stray from the path of righteousness?

I pray daily for all families, and I implore you to reflect on your role as parents and educators. To truly earn your children's respect and foster their devotion to God, you must embody Christian virtues in your words, actions, and decisions. Remember, your children reflect your character, and your example will shape their hearts.

May you guide your children with wisdom and grace, so that they may grow into faithful servants of God, ready to follow His holy will.

Thank you for praying the Rosary and keeping the Feast of the Rosary close to your hearts. May you rest in the peace of my Son, Jesus.



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