Saint Michael: How His Light Defeats Darkness

Message From Blessed Virgin Mary - 01/20/25 at 6pm


Dear children,

I wish to reveal to you what happens when you call upon the name of Saint Michael with sincere prayer and devotion. He appears with His mighty heavenly host to defend you against all forces of darkness. At that very moment, imagine Saint Michael descending with His celestial army. With His sword raised in service of my Son, divine light floods every domain—blinding the enemy of your souls, exposing the deceptions of darkness, and dispelling all shadows.

Know that the forces of evil, though they may seem formidable, cannot hide or shield themselves from the brilliance of His light. Even when they try to escape His great power, they are defeated and imprisoned by the heavenly host, and your souls are liberated from their oppressive attacks. Shortly after, the evil spirits are cast into a dark abyss that briefly opens, allowing Michael to throw them in and then shut it immediately, enclosing them within.

This wondrous victory of light over darkness is a testament to the eternal triumph of Christ and fills your lives with hope.

Remain strengthened in your faith, dear children, and keep your hearts open to His love and guidance. Take heart, dear ones, for Jesus places His hope in you. Trust in His loving guidance and let His light fill your spirit. I bless you with my motherly love and with the peace of my Son, Jesus. Go forth in the assurance that His protection is with you always.




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