Led by Angels to Adore Jesus

Message From Blessed Virgin Mary - 11/15/24 at 6:00pm


Oh, children,

Hear me! I implore you to return daily to the presence of Jesus in the Holy Eucharist. Receive Him with a heart overflowing with love, and seek Him in the tabernacle of His infinite mercy.

When our Heavenly Father beholds the sincerity of your contrite heart and the purity of your soul—especially as you participate in the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass—He will command His angels to guide and escort you to the place where my Son reigns in glory.

There, the Heavenly Father invites you to offer your most devoted adoration to His Son in thanksgiving for the eternal atonement wrought for your salvation. Jesus will rejoice in your unwavering devotion and love. He awaits you with a gentle smile and open arms, rejoicing in your care and fidelity. Although He appears in the humble forms of bread and wine, do not be deceived—His majesty and divinity are fully present beneath these lowly appearances.

In this sacred encounter, you will experience a profound exchange of love: His boundless love will pour into your heart, and your love will ascend to meet His. You will discover a peace that surpasses all understanding, the strength to endure life's trials, and the renewal needed to persevere on the path of holiness, even as the storms of this world rage around you. Never forget, dear children, that His love for you is immutable, inexhaustible, and infinitely tender.

My beloved children, I bless you with the love of my Immaculate Heart and with the peace that flows from the Sacred Heart of my Son. May you always find strength in His presence, hope in His promises, and the courage to walk the path of holiness.                  


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