You Are Chosen Soldiers of Heaven

Message From Blessed Virgin Mary - 11/13/24 at 6:00pm


Beloved Children,

In the depths of your souls, you have been given the grace to remain steadfast in the faith. The Lord has sealed you with His unfailing love, so that even in moments of weakness, confusion, or wandering, He will find a way to bring you back to the path of righteousness. Be assured, my children, that my Son and I, with all of Heaven, will call you back to the frontlines of this sacred battle for souls. You are chosen soldiers of Heaven, bearing the light of truth in a world that often chooses darkness.

Together, let us persevere in faith, hope, and love, knowing that Heaven rejoices in your steadfast devotion.  I Bless You with my unconditional love!                                       


Led by Angels to Adore Jesus


Soldier of Christ: Take Courage