You Are Instruments of Grace
Message From Blessed Virgin Mary - 10/29/24 at 6:00pm
Children Of My Immaculate Heart,
You are set apart among the children of God throughout the world! Chosen as vessels of healing, you are instruments my Son longs to use to bring restoration, mercy, and grace to a broken world. Never forget this sacred calling.
This calling is not just a duty but a profound honor. My Son, Jesus, has placed His trust and hope in you. He has entrusted you with the mission of advancing His Kingdom on earth, and through your fidelity, my Immaculate Heart will triumph, as foretold.
Do not allow doubt or despair to take root in your mind. Reject the lie that your life lacks purpose or significance. Even when the path ahead seems dark or uncertain, trust that you are gaining treasures far greater than what this world can offer. Your life is intertwined with God’s divine plan, not only for your salvation but for the salvation of many. His victory is certain, and your role in this triumph is precious and irreplaceable.
Go in the peace of Jesus!
I Bless You with my maternal love!