Family Prayer And The Rosary

Message From Blessed Virgin Mary - 10/07/23 at 12:00pm



My Beloved Children,

May the love and protection of my Immaculate Heart always envelop you.

I urgently request that you invoke the nine choirs of angels, particularly from this month onward and into the next year, for there are many impending threats from the evil one.

Prepare, beloved children, for a series of sudden events, one after another, that will bring shock and mourning to many. Bend your knees in prayer, for Satan is determined to attack the youth, who have been inspired by holiness, prayer, and reverence to God.

Please remember, dear ones, that the family must be the first place where children learn to pray, love God, and serve one another. Parents, you must lead with Christian charity and unity, as families that do not grow together may crumble in this world.

May God bless your families with protection and peace.




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