A Mother's Lament:The Persecution of God's Messengers
Message From Blessed Virgin Mary - 03/26/24 at 12:00pm
Beloved of Jesus:
I understand how difficult it has become for you, the true humble Church of my Son, to discern truth from falsehood. I thank you for supporting the few visionaries and Heaven's messengers of your time. Pray for them and for my Jesus to allow my maternal Heart to continue visiting you, providing messages of encouragement.
My beloved children,
The pain that my Son, Jesus, endures fills my heart with profound sorrow, especially in these times marked by grave abominations on Earth. I grieve not only for His suffering but also for a world that so often turns away from His truth. My Son longs to shield my Heart from this sorrow and to spare my eyes from witnessing the many transgressions that defile your earthly existence.
I must reveal that soon God will be compelled to withhold His voice before humanity, for the prophets and the chosen ones of Heaven have been greatly persecuted, thereby delaying our divine plans. To protect His elect, Heaven will provide them refuge in a life of quiet witness and in the unity of our two Hearts—Jesus' and mine—until the foretold time when the tribulations and persecution of the Church finally come to an end.
In His justice, God must allow the current unfaithful generation to face the coming tribulation on its own, enduring the consequences of reckless decisions made without Him. These actions have accelerated the events more than the world anticipates.
In these trying times, what is genuine is often labeled as evil, while falsehoods are applauded and embraced, straying far from the holiness God intended for all His children.
I urge you, my children, to remain steadfast, holding firmly to the pure and sacred wisdom you've received from your faith.
I bless you with my maternal love. Remain in the peace of my Son, Jesus.