Live for God’s Plan, Reward Awaits

Message From Blessed Virgin Mary - 11/04/24 at 6:00pm


Dear Children,

You were created to know, love, and serve God, your Heavenly Father, in all things. Your ultimate purpose is to live in communion with Him, fulfilling your vocation as His beloved children. Yet, the world entangles you, and the distractions and temptations of daily life obscure this vision of your divine purpose.

These snares draw you away from the path of holiness and from the fulfillment of God’s loving plan for your life.

Do not be discouraged, my beloved children. Instead, reflect on your true identity and mission as God’s children. Turn your gaze toward the heavens, where your ultimate joy and fulfilment reside. The trials of this world are temporary, but the communion you are called to share with God is eternal. Seek Him with all your heart, and you will find the peace and clarity that this world cannot offer.

His love constantly flows, calling you back to His embrace and inviting you to partake in His divine plan of salvation.          

I bless you with the unfathomable love of a Mother.                


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