Divine Mercy, Love and sacrifice
Message From Blessed Virgin Mary - 05/13/24 at 6:00pm
Dear children,
I, your Heavenly Mother, yearn to impart to you today the wisdom within the depths of God’s Divine Mercy and its profound significance in your lives.
Mercy is a great virtue, dear children, that, when embraced, transforms the soul. It is God's holy compassion entering the soul swiftly, infusing it with power and knowledge to see things differently and to love in a heavenly manner.
Mercy is the most glorious act of kindness within the soul, motivating it to relieve suffering with love.
The soul that embraces mercy recognizes its own misery and the shared brokenness of humanity. In this state of humility, the soul patiently endures offenses and prays for its enemies, uniting its suffering with my Son Jesus on the cross.
So, my beloved children,
Allow the gentle humility of mercy to work its transformative power within your hearts. Your soul is being carefully shaped into the most radiant and precious jewel before God’s eyes. Those whom God places along your life’s path will find immense joy in witnessing the captivating glow emanating from your mercy-filled heart, and they, in turn, will shower you with heartfelt appreciation and praise.
Remember , my children,
Great love is sacrifice. You will become great spiritual leaders, humble mothers, fathers, siblings, and friends when you prioritise the needs of those around you, setting aside your own wants and comforts. In this way, you embody the very essence of God’s mercy, dear children.
Your acts of kindness, compassion, and understanding will create ripples of love that extend far beyond your immediate circle, touching countless lives and inspiring others to follow in my Son Jesus’s footsteps.
The more you offer of yourself, the more celestial joy will increase within the depths of your being, for you shall receive it from the infinite wellspring of grace bestowed by Almighty God.
Remember, my dear children, that true greatness lies not in worldly honors or material possessions, but in quiet, humble service through love.
As you nurture and guide those entrusted to your care, you fulfil the divine plan, doing God’s will and building the Kingdom of God on Earth.
Dear children, I bless you with my maternal affection! I love you so dearly, little ones! You are my joy!
Thank you for praying the Rosary daily, for loving my Son, Jesus, and for loving me, your Heavenly Mother.
Go in the peace of my Son, Jesus!