Pray for Souls in the Deepest Purgatory

Message From Blessed Virgin Mary - 10/19/24 at 6pm


My Cherished Children,

May the peace of my Son Jesus be with you!

Many souls have fallen into hell during these turbulent times due to the horrors of war, yet many others have entered Purgatory.

Today, I ask you more fervently than ever to pray for the souls held in Purgatory. I plead for your prayers on their behalf, for their suffering is immense. This reality deeply saddens my Heart, as so many souls languish in the depths of purification. These souls experience an all-consuming "burning" desire for God, and their purification may be prolonged until the end of time.

Some souls have entered the state of purification in Purgatory—a merciful process through which those who die in God’s grace, though not perfectly purified, are prepared to behold His glory in Heaven.

But in the deepest, most hidden regions of Purgatory—near shadowy caves—there are some souls who have remained there for a long time, even for centuries. These souls often do not realize that they have departed from earthly life because their deaths were sudden and unexpected, leaving them unprepared for their passing.

The deepest degree of suffering in Purgatory involve the most intense purification. Souls in this deep degree of purgation endure extreme pain from the purifying fire—far greater than that of others—because of their lingering attachments to sin or incomplete repentance.

Throughout this ordeal, the angels of God stand guard over them, for they cannot quickly ascend to higher degrees of sanctification. They remain in a motionless, fiery lake of purgation—a condition less favorable for expedited purification, yet a necessary process for their eventual entrance into eternal joy.

They remain in urgent need of your prayers and support.

Many of these souls cannot fully benefit from the Holy Mass offered in their name because their relatives—either through carelessness or ignorance of this gift—do not offer Masses and prayers on their behalf.

Moreover, unlike those souls in the higher degrees of purification—who often receive my visitations, were devout in the Catholic Faith, and whose relatives intercede with Masses and prayers during their ongoing suffering.

I ask you to pray the Rosary and the Stations of the Cross, for through such intercession these souls may experience immense relief and be enabled to ascend to higher, less painful degrees of purification in Purgatory.

Dear Children,

Over many years, through the prayers of the faithful and my intercession, Divine Justice has extended mercy to many souls who have departed this earthly life. In their desperation, at the very last moment, they chose to embrace purification rather than face eternal separation from God in hell.

At the moment of their judgment, they chose purification at the very last possible second—just before the veil of Purgatory closed and the chamber of the divine tribunal sealed them into eternal damnation and separation from God forever.

Yet, they must be elevated from these lowly states, for they are the suffering Church in need of your help.

I implore you to pray! Each time you pray the Rosary, recite:

"I offer this Rosary for the holy souls in the deepest degree of purgation."

Now, I bless you dear Children, with my motherly love, strengthening you to pray, pray, pray for souls!

May your prayers bring comfort to those who suffer in Purgatory and help them rise closer to the light of God’s eternal love.

I love you!


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