Foods & Herbs for Future Epidemics
Message From St. Martin De Porres To The Little Apostle On 12/28/24
To My Beloved Brothers and Sisters in Christ,
Greetings from Heaven,
Today, I have been sent by our Lord Jesus Christ with a message for His followers regarding a time to come—a time when many will suffer from illnesses and epidemics unlike any the world has seen before.
As the world grows increasingly reliant on technology and material wealth, some will find themselves unable to access the care they need unless they accept the mark of the beast—a sign of allegiance to the ways of the world and not of God.
Fear not, for Jesus Christ, our Lord, has provided you with remedies to sustain you in such times.
In days past, doctors understood the value of herbs, vegetables, and foods—their ability to purify, heal, and protect. Over time, however, this wisdom was hidden, buried beneath the greed and pride of men. What God intended to be shared freely with all His children was lost.
Now, in His mercy, Jesus sends me to reveal these truths once more through the Little Apostle of the True Faith. Every detail of how to prepare and use these herbs and foods will be given so that you may be equipped for what lies ahead.
The years ahead will prove to be a time of great testing for the faith of many. Yet, take heart and do not fear, for the Lord remains steadfast and will not abandon His people.
He has placed simple, humble remedies and foods in the earth, filled with His power. Use them with faith and gratitude, trusting in the wisdom of your Creator. When the world demands that you bow to its ways, remember that your true strength comes from God. Share this knowledge with others, especially the poor and forgotten, for they are deeply loved by the Lord.
Jesus desires your healing—not only of the soul but also of the body. Pray as you prepare these remedies and choose the foods given by God. Trust that in doing so, you honor His divine wisdom.
Know that I, Martin, am interceding for you. Take comfort in the mercy of our God, who provides all that you need.
Yours in Christ’s service