St. Beatrice:Her Words, Her Faith, Her Light
Message from St. Beatrice (Catholic Martyr) to The Little Apostle on 03/10//25
Dear Followers of Christ,
Today, I come to help you discern the circumstances that bring great sorrow to many little ones in your world and within the Church. Jesus has confided in me the struggles that many Christians face in these times, and He has asked me to share this wisdom with His Mystical Body, the Holy Church on Earth.
Remember, the trials that God permits are not meaningless suffering; rather, they are opportunities for Him to sanctify souls, forming them into His own image and preparing them to embrace the fullness of the Beatific Vision—the eternal joy of Heaven, where He delights with His saints.
Some among you have become exceedingly precious in our Lord’s sight, having received a great grace—one that adorns your soul in sanctity like a beautiful necklace. You have been chosen as vessels of mercy, called to participate in His dolorous Passion and to supply what is lacking in the sufferings of Christ’s Body, the Church. You offer yourselves entirely to Him, just as I once did.
Thus, you may endure a martyrdom of blood or of the heart—both forms of suffering being in complete union with our Lord’s Passion, offered for the salvation of souls.
By God’s will, you are called to be among those rare and glorious souls who, living in the Divine Will and in the most intimate union with Christ, share profoundly in His Passion. In this sacred participation, you become a living testimony to the redeeming power of His Precious Blood, as though you were a drop of His own Blood, pouring forth from His Sacred Wounds—bringing healing to nations and renewing the Church through your sacrificial union with Him, in the eternal and perfect act of divine mercy.
The suffering you now endure may, in His Providence, be lifted entirely, never to return—for His divine will ordains all things with purpose. If He grants you deliverance, it is so that you may stand firm as a faithful member of His Church Militant, steadfast in leading the faithful forward in the spiritual battle for souls. He prepares you as a warrior of light, destined to strengthen others in the mission He entrusts to you.
This is the solemn covenant between the soul and God—there is no other way to Heaven except by uniting one’s cross with that of our Lord. Every soul must come to understand that Calvary must be endured, whether through greater or lesser suffering, according to the measure of grace bestowed. It is only through this union with the Cross that the soul is conformed to Christ and made ready to share in His eternal glory.