St.Gabriel:The Apparition & God’s Blessing
Message From St. Gabriel To The Little Apostle on 03/06/25
Little Apostle: (I was called by our Lord and directed on this day to be in the presence of St. Gabriel, as I had been instructed by my guardian angel. I arrived at the church appointed by God for this sacred encounter at noon. As I fervently prayed, the church bells rang, and exactly at 12:00 PM, St. Gabriel appeared before me.) He greeted me, saying:
"Child of the Most High, I am Gabriel, bringing tidings from Heaven! The Lord has blessed you; receive His blessing."
In reverence, I bowed my head, as is customary in the presence of the saints to receive God’s blessing. Then St. Gabriel informed me that this visitation had been sent by God the Father for a unique purpose. He also conveyed that St. Anne, the mother of the Blessed Virgin Mary, would soon return to visit me, imparting her wisdom and holy assistance. He then announced:
Today, I have come to deliver a message to all of God's creatures—both great and small. Millennia ago, in my service to the Triune God, I labored in assisting the divine order of creation, helping to bring forth the cosmos according to His will. Through the mystery of salvation, I have also been sent to restore all that has been wounded by sin through our Lord’s redeeming love. My mission was fulfilled most profoundly in the Annunciation, when I was sent to a humble maiden—exalted by God as the Blessed Virgin—who received the joyful news of salvation with the birth of Jesus Christ, the Only Begotten Son of God, conceived by the power of the Holy Spirit and revealed in the mystery of the Incarnation.
From among the lower choirs of Heaven, who serve humanity in accordance with God's divine order, I, Gabriel, proclaim: Divine Love shall conquer all things. It will revive the Church—the One, Holy, Catholic, and Apostolic Church—renew the hearts of men, and bestow upon the earth an abundance of peace and goodwill.
Little Apsotle: St. Gabriel then imparted a sacred blessing upon us, as a sign of the extension of God’s grace to all creation, declared:
The Most Holy Trinity blesses the earth today. May all people, from the four corners of the world, receive this blessing. I bear this message for the Holy Church, so that in the coming age, this blessing—conferred with supreme authority and majesty by the King of Kings, the Lord Jesus Christ—may guide and inspire you all. Blessed be His Name for generations to come.
Little Apostle: ( Then I saw a brilliant light streaming from God the Father, descending from Heaven upon the world and encompassing all living things. This powerful light shone through St. Gabriel, and from his chest it extended to every living creature. In profound reverence, he looked upward to glorify Almighty God as part of that humble, glorious act within creation. I saw it descend upon me as well, resting on my forehead—blessing me profoundly and filling my entire being with a flame-like love that saturated the depths of my soul with peace and a beautiful clarity.
I believe that God is preparing all of humanity to experience His peace like a soothing balm for our weary hearts—a certainty of His love, the truth of His Divine Son, and the clarity of His role as Father—as though preparing us for a greater illumination of our conscience in relation to Him. He is so humble and tender! Even if many throughout the world did not feel God's blessing, it has certainly occurred and has been conferred upon everyone, regardless of race or belief. This is the majesty of divine grace—so humble, so silent, so gentle, yet working within the very fabric of creation as a mighty and loving act of Divine Will.
I hope that people around the world will open themselves more to every divine grace dispensed from the Heart of God specially through the Church of His Son, for one day we will know, at the divine tribunal, the Holy Truth and how good and patient our God is, as He has been through the ages, and how we have failed to give Him the glory He deserves.
St. Gabriel was so beautiful, and I felt humbled as he inclined himself toward me as if he were my servant. Indeed, angels are sent by God to serve and assist us. Yet, in that moment, I truly realized that we must greatly honor the archangels—not for their own sake, but because of their divine mission and unwavering obedience to the Most High.
We should trust in their heavenly assistance and allow them to fulfil their God-given role in guiding and protecting us, for we need them so greatly in these times.) St. Gabriel then spoke to me, saying:
-Now, child, be faithful to the work that the Lord Jesus is accomplishing through you. Cherish this great labor of love, which we, together in unified effort, shall bring forth to humanity.
Farewell, child of the Most High. Know that we, the angels, shall ever protect you as we remain united with the Holy Church, from now until the dawn of a new era, when the glorious fulfilment of God's eternal promise in His Son is realised.