St. Michael Warns the United States
Message From St. Michael To The Little Apostle on May 8th, 2024
The Heavenly Host salutes you!
In the radiant light of God's love, I, Michael the Archangel, Chief of the Heavenly Host and Guardian of the Church of Christ, stand before you as a beacon of divine protection and guidance. In every trial and triumph, I am by your side, ready to offer my strength and shield you from harm.
Let faith be your armor and prayer your sword against darkness. Walk in righteousness and know that the heavenly host stands united in love for you, protecting you always.
Human children,
Hear my words as they echo through the heavens and into your hearts: you are cherished by our God beyond measure. Now is the time to pray fervently with all your hearts and assist Heaven!
Pray for Uruguay, Chile, and every nation throughout North and South America. The Western Hemisphere is facing great challenges, and its spiritual and religious roots are being tested. There is much unrest in the social and political arenas, and the environment is suffering greatly.
Pray also, children of the United States, for your country and your President.
Due to his illness, he struggles to communicate diplomatically with other leaders, which some nations perceive as a sign of vulnerability. They see this as an opportunity to act aggressively against your country.
The nations whose leaders entertain these thoughts are China, Russia, North Korea, and Iran.
The President’s cabinet is making decisions that place your nation’s future in a precarious position.
Your President is soon to meet with a European leader to sign a treaty that will not benefit your nation’s internal affairs, as it concerns foreign policy.
You must pray, human children, to your God and implore His mercy upon you now more than ever.
Russia holds a secret weapon, particularly involving artificial intelligence, that could lead to mass destruction if activated.
The President of Russia is considering its use, but should this occur, such advanced weaponry would bring unimaginable horror, chaos, and suffering to your world. This weapon has been designed to launch from space against nations.
The Mother of God warned you long ago about Russia and its potential to bring devastation upon the world!
On her behalf, I carry a request from her Immaculate Heart, urging you not to be alarmed but to pray fervently.
Through our intervention, your nation’s Department of Defense has become aware of this threat.
Your government’s research institutions are developing similar technological weaponry for counteroffensive measures, including a robust protective shield technology akin to a dome, intended for activation from space to safeguard your nation and its enduring allies.
This secret weapon, once completed, will be communicated to the USA’s enduring allies and agreed upon through treaties to ensure their protection from war attacks, especially from Russia. However, this protective technology will be limited and can only last a few months.
The secret weapon Russia possesses is not nuclear in nature but is a silent, deadly artificial intelligence weapon capable of affecting a broad scale. It could potentially impact up to a third of the world’s population at once if activated.
Pray, children of the Most High God, that peace may be attained among nations!
May your country strive to exemplify harmony and foster better diplomatic communication with other nations, resorting to such powerful weaponry only in dire necessity.
Your nation’s technological advances are scheduled to be completed by 2025.
Prepare and pray to avert these dangers lurking in the hearts of those who do not revere God or desire peace in the world.
Let the rumors of war cease before many countries become defenceless against such horrific and devastating weapons!
Remember, the greatest protection comes from us, God's angels.
We create a powerful shield around you, the faithful children of God, guarding and defending you from any attacks of the evil one. Always invoke our intercession!
May peace reign in your souls, and may the light of God’s truth illuminate your path always.
Farewell, dear children of the Most High God!