I Am Always With You:Let not your hearts be troubled!
Message From Jesus: To the Little Apostle of the True Faith on 04/16/2024
Beloved Ones,
My Father alone knows the time when the Son, the Bridegroom, will meet His bride and bring her into everlasting glory. This moment, filled with unimaginable joy and love, is determined by His will and is a part of His perfect plan for the salvation of the world. In the meantime, I call you to remain vigilant, steadfast in faith, and ever hopeful in the promise of My return.
Though the exact hour remains hidden, know that I Am with you now, in the most humble and glorious form of the Eucharist. In this sacrament, I fulfil My Father’s will by nourishing His beloved children with the heavenly sustenance of My Body and Blood.
This sacred gift transforms those who partake, creating within them a new nature, the nature of the Son.
In receiving the Eucharist, you are not merely united to Me in a symbolic way, but truly partake in My divine life, becoming one with Me.
As you prepare for My return, live in the light of this great mystery, continually drawn closer to Me through the sacramental life of the Church.
Trust that, even in the waiting, My love for you is unwavering.
Through the Eucharist, you are already experiencing a foretaste of the eternal joy that awaits. May you always be prepared to meet the Bridegroom, with hearts full of holiness and love, longing for the fulfilment of all things in the Kingdom of Heaven.
Remain faithful, for in the Eucharist, you are drawn into the deepest communion with Me, anticipating the joy of the eternal feast at the wedding banquet of the Lamb.
Always be ready, for My return will be glorious, and those who have kept their lamps full and burning will be welcomed into the eternal embrace of My love.