Jesus' Message on Solar Eclipse-2024

Message From Jesus: To the Little Apostle of the True Faith on 04/04/2024


My beloved child, your faith, adoration, and love fill My Heart with joy!

I Am the Alpha and the Omega, the Beginning and the End, the wellspring of all hope and salvation.

Be assured that I Am with you always, until the end of time, guiding and supporting you on your journey toward holiness.

To all who follow Me:

My beloved, My love for you knows no end. Rejoice in the knowledge that you have been chosen to be Mine!

I Am fully aware of your thoughts and the pleas that rise to My Heart, as well as the trials you encounter, including those moments when your faith wavers. You seek confirmation of My protection during times of uncertainty, amidst challenges, sorrows, and global events that cause sadness.

My Heart has been attentive to your concerns and prayers, especially regarding the eclipse on April 8th. As the Lord, the Sovereign of Heaven and Earth, I safeguard you and deliver those dear to Me—My righteous ones.

I assure you, you will be safe during the eclipse on April 8th; there is no reason for fear, My dear ones! Conduct yourselves as usual on that day, but remember to honor the feast day that My Church observes in celebration of My Mother! Stay calm in prayer, trusting in My providence and the intercession of Heaven.

On that day, I also advise you to avoid large public gatherings and remain receptive to the guidance of My Spirit, so you may experience the peace I offer. Carry on with your daily tasks, knowing that many around you may be anxious or disturbed by what the eclipse might signify. Pray with fervor, that restlessness and confusion in hearts may be soothed, averting unnecessary worry. Act with wisdom and caution, comforted by My love and protection. My angels will surround you!

The moral and spiritual struggle of your era, the clash between good and evil, will only end with My triumphant victory in the hearts of men! The forthcoming event in your skies does not signify the end of days or herald My return.

However, consider this moment as a reminder of the possibility of the end, as foretold. Reflect on its meaning: if the end were imminent, would it motivate you to seek changes in your life?

This is a call to earnestly repent of your sins, which deeply offend My Father, and to reaffirm your commitment to pursuing the salvation of your soul. Be aware, for at any moment, My Father may allow a generation steeped in idolatry to face the consequences of its choices. Many will be caught unprepared, their hearts distant from My love. It pains Me that some may not enter My Kingdom due to their resistance to My grace.

As signs of the end times unfold, how will you respond? Will you delay your spiritual journey, risking regret at the moment of final judgment? Or will you embrace with joy the salvation I offer, grateful for being saved from despair and eternal separation?

Let your hearts be open to My mercy and redemption. Live in a state of readiness, converting your hearts daily, so that when the time comes, you may enter joyfully into the eternal banquet I have prepared for you.

Throughout history, I have called My followers to demonstrate courage, vigilance, and readiness, urging them not to succumb to fear or despair. I have warned them of the dangers of idolatry and self-reliance, which draw them away from My love.

Such paths jeopardise the peace, hope, and joy that should thrive in their souls through unity with My Sacred Heart. This unity is the source of true consolation and grace. Lift your minds to higher pursuits—the holiness I desire for you! Stay devoted in prayer, that you may sense My presence, hear My voice, and be assured of My guidance as you follow the path of righteousness. Be comforted, My beloved—all is well.

My Mother holds within her hands the balance of justice, interceding tirelessly on behalf of humanity to delay the full measure of divine justice. She calls all who listen to draw closer to the Father and to My Heart.

I Am protecting you and your loved ones. The prayers of the devout rise to My throne and bring joy to My Heart.

Pray for the Guardian Angel of your nation! I grant you My peace, blessing you with My Divine Love and holy trust.

I love you. Be at peace.

I Am your Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ!


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