The Eucharistic Heart Ablaze with Longing
Message From Jesus To the Little Apostle of the True Faith on 03/10/2025
My Beloved Disciples,
Today, My Sacred Eucharistic Heart—revealing My sorrow—yearns with great fervour for you. I desire that every soul may encounter Me. I know that many of you set aside time to adore Me, yet My longing is to unite with all My followers on earth more often than you can realise. I wish for every soul to be sanctified and drawn into a profound communion with Me, the incarnate Word, their true God and Savior.
O, how immeasurable in sweetness and tenderness is My Heart!
Divine love seeks to embrace you with such affection. Yet, at times, the vanities of this world draw you away from Me and from the eternal grace I offer through the sacrament of love, leaving My Heart longing for a deeper union with you. I humbly implore you:
Come and rest in My Presence—even if only for a little while. Those who approach Me with sincere hearts shall receive the abundant graces I long to pour upon them and shall enjoy an ever-deepening relationship with Me.
To those who spend time with Me—oh, beloved souls—you shall be richly marveled when you behold My face in My glory!
Even as you journey through this earthly exile, thinking that your visits to Me may be few or unworthy, I tell you in truth: each visit brings gladness and consolation to My Heart. I treasure your perseverance; in a hidden way, I strengthen you in your walk with Me.
Oftentimes, I heal your wounds and bodily ailments, Then I pour out My abundant love upon you, that you may share the holy virtues growing within you with many. My love for you is everlasting. If you truly knew the all-encompassing love of your Savior, you would be overwhelmed with delight and enraptured by the bliss of My sublime tenderness and divine affection. But that ultimate affection is reserved for later, when you will meet Me in My glorious Kingdom. I love you!