Do Not Be Heartbroken; I Am your God. Can I Not Restore You?
Message From Jesus To the Little Apostle of the True Faith on 03/05/2025
Beloved Servants,
As I bring my wisdom to you, know that my words shall never return to me void, but shall fall upon the soil of your heart, making it a fertile place for the seed of my love to heal you and grow within you.
Oh, beloved, I Am aware of many of you, as my dear followers, have persevered greatly in serving Me, with the purest intentions in your hearts, while enduring the greatest afflictions for My sake!
I assure you—and this is my solemn promise—that I will vindicate all you have suffered for love of Me!
I will pour out even greater graces upon you, for My Divine Heart desires to reveal to the world what God sees in you—what the world does not.
I will shower you with blessings, like a necklace of precious stones made exclusively for you. Rejoice and be satisfied, for I, your Lord, will allow you, my dear ones, to see the ways in which I bless humble souls.
Some of you have suffered due to the faults of others, while others have suffered through naivety, lacking discernment in dealing with others and in My holy will. Still, some have endured hardships as a result of their own wrongdoing.
Here I Am to tell you, oh beloved, do not be saddened! I AM here to comfort you in the midst of your struggles! To tell you how proud I AM with you as you live them united with my Heart! Even if such trials originated from sin, I AM with you and I AM your Mercy!
I ask you to remain steadfast, no matter how these trials come to you. For nothing can shake a house built upon the rock, firmly established to withstand even the most furious tempest. If you remain in Me, remember that we are in it together, and we shall emerge stronger and victorious. For I have conquered the world, and in Me, you too shall overcome.
In your suffering, I have suffered with you! For in my salvific mission, I desire to bring you wholly into my kingdom and to please my Father. Have no doubt of my nearness to you. If you have sinned against my will, confess, live simply, and return to Me. I will restore you and make something new of your life.
If you have been disappointed—even by those within my Church—do not be disheartened, beloved. I Am making something new in your life.
Do not rebel against Me, my Church, or those in authority who may have unknowingly wounded you. In silence and trust, I will make you a saint—a holy vessel within my Church—so that many may see my greatness, mercy, and justice, which in its pure essence is holy!
If, in this season, you give Me your all, I will transform your nights of sorrow and disappointments into glorious moments. Know that if, by chance, If I have allowed you to walk through darkness and the fires of purification, it is not because you did not pray enough, nor because your prayers were left unheard or unanswered, nor because My power was absent, nor because I was angry with you in your sins. Remember: I Am Your Mercy, not Your Judge.
Give Me time to set all things in order for you once again. Rest in this period and pray. Let my Mother guide you, along with those whom I send as messengers of heaven. But pray the Rosary, oh beloved, for there is great power in it. Truly, do not only pray from your heart—which I delight in so lovingly—but also pray the Rosary daily.
My Mother will fill your heart with joy and cover you with her protective mantle. Trust in her Immaculate Heart as she pleas for you to let her be your mother and protect you through the rosary!
In all things, know that my Spirit is working incessantly within you—whether you perceive it or not, even in moments of stillness that you may think you are not worthy vessel of my love or purpose! You are! Be assured in my words!
I know you desire to serve Me with great fervor. Indeed, I delight in your service, and I will bless the labor of My faithful servants. But remember: above all the service you may render Me. Know this: your greatest purpose is to be united with me in love and mercy. I Am making you lovers of mankind!
Take heart and be freed from the traps of the adversary—the doubts, the lack of faith, the weariness, and the sense of purposelessness. Where I have placed you, be there in My Love!
I bless you, oh my beloved followers, my Bride, my Church. I remain with you always.
I AM Your Lord and Savior Jesus Christ!