Doors Open & Close At My Will

Message From Jesus To the Little Apostle of the True Faith on 02/23/2025


My beloved,

In these times, an abundance of distractions is placed before you. At times, I must intervene profoundly. I desire that each of you embrace gratitude instead of a complaining spirit as I shield you by closing doors against harmful situations and opening doors to prosper your souls and the holy endeavors I pursue through you to edify my church. Know this: as you witness and follow My command to go forward, doors shall open that, under My protection, no one can shut, so that you may fearlessly spread the Good News, bring life to the spiritually dead, and be heralds of My Sacred Heart, speaking in My name.

Your profound love for Me glorifies My Father in heaven and compels Me to bestow continuous treasures upon you. Blessings flow freely like rivers of living water in every soul united with My Heart. Even with the little effort or openness you offer Me, I shall bless you with more- all of Me I desire to offer you and conceive the greatest labor of love within your interior, so that I can accomplish great things in and through your hearts.

Today, I bless you with my divine love!


Jesus’ Call to Grace, Fasting, and Obedience


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