Jesus Message on His Passion
Message From Jesus To the Little Apostle of the True Faith on 03/28/2025
Beloved of My Father in Heaven,
I bless you today. I Am your Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ.
Following Me as your Lord has been a great challenge in this world. My own path was fraught with trials and hardships, yet it was also illuminated by heavenly glory.
When the time came to celebrate the Passover, I experienced deep sorrow, knowing that I would soon depart from the world.
I knew that My departure would usher in both wonder and blessings for the people of Israel.
For those who discerned the signs, this moment was unique, for they recognized that God had granted them My very life. I was offered as a sacrifice—like a lamb—for the sins of Israel and for the sins of the whole world, so that they—and all of you—might attain eternal life.
No provision greater has ever been given than that of the Lamb of God.
Many among My Father’s people knew of that destined day, yet they did not fully comprehend the significance of the times in which they lived.
Today, I proclaim that My words have grown in power throughout your world over the centuries. Yet, My Sacred Heart remains impoverished in many souls. To live in true sanctity, you must allow Me, through My Spirit dwelling within you, to continue My work of love.
As my Spirit build holiness within you according to My divine Will, you will more clearly discern right from wrong. Still, many have not permitted Me to labor in their hearts the fullness of holiness I desire. Consequently, their consciences are easily led astray by temptation and misled by falsehoods and erroneous ideologies.
This is the essence of living in Holy Love.
What is Holy Love? What is holiness? Understand that holiness and Holy Love are inseparable, just as evil and wickedness cannot exist apart from one another.
During this season of Lent, as you reflect on your journey with Me and affirm yourselves as My followers, I urge you to discern between the path of sanctity and the path of sin.
Each carries its own burdens, and your faithful perseverance in choosing one over the other will determine your soul’s eternal destiny—either divine blessing or separation from My grace.
If you choose to defend Holy Love and sanctity, you must not act contrary to the truth. Likewise, those who pursue an alternative path do so with full conviction of their chosen path. A soul cannot walk in two directions at once; one cannot profess one path while actually following another.
I call upon you to embrace a childlike heart, to overcome the struggle of indecision between these two paths, and to commit yourself wholeheartedly to the one that leads to eternal life.
Recall the words I spoke:
"I am the vine, and you are the branches. Whoever abides in Me and I in him will bear much fruit, for apart from Me you can do nothing. If anyone does not abide in Me, he is cast away like a withered branch; such branches are gathered, thrown into the fire, and burned”.
Meditate upon these words. Draw nearer to My Heart and understand that those who abide in Me flourish like new leaves on a great tree, providing life and shade to all around them.
I tell you the truth: nothing that lacks love can endure. Where there is love, there is life—and there I AM. In such hearts, My presence is evident, My Sacred Heart is glorified, and My words bear abundant spiritual fruit for all who listen.
Contemplate these truths. Let your mind rest and your heart remain open to the guidance of My Spirit. I will gather all who love Me and remain faithful, drawing them into the fullness of My love. Through their humble hearts, I Am made known, and My love is manifested throughout all creation.
Beloved followers, I give you My peace today.