California Wildfires: Spiritual Meaning
Message From Jesus: To the Little Apostle of the True Faith on 01/06/2025
Oh, child, Console my Sacred Heart!
I, the Lord of all, call my children to awaken and recognise the depths to which they have fallen without My mercy.
As My Mother has spoken to you in her recent message, she has warned of alarming events in your nation, bringing sudden suffering and the loss of many lives.
So now I speak: parts of your nation will weep and mourn. Fires will sweep across the land—not as random calamities, but as signs permitted in these times, calling humanity to repentance and awakening to the true condition of its soul.
See, my children, how a father disciplines his children out of love. Nature itself bears witness to your rebellion, reflecting the darkness within your hearts. I am your Father, yet you have turned away, living as though Mammon—the god of pleasure and wealth—were your master. By your choices, you have invited this false father to rule over you, one who offers only destruction and despair in return.
The adversary, the devil, is cunning and rejoices in your downfall. He whispers lies that allure and deceive, leading you deeper into bondage. Look around you. See how your disregard for My will has allowed the fires of hell to draw ever closer.
Oh, California, land of great wealth and influence, how far you have fallen! Your prayers, though silent on your lips, echo your misplaced desires for wealth, power, and indulgence.
The spirits of darkness have heard your cries and, laughing at your ignorance, have answered with their fury. You pray, but not to Me. You seek blessings, but not from the hand of your God.
I ask you, my children:
Do you not know that sodomy, idolatry, and greed are abominations to My Heart? Have you forgotten that the prayers of a humble heart reach the heavens, while selfish prayers summon only darkness?
You have become desolate of My presence.
The poor wander your streets, ignored by those who avert their eyes, finding no pity or compassion. You have forgotten that they are reflections of My love. Your cities, filled with schemes and immorality, are mirrors of shame. In your rebellion against what is holy, you invite demonic forces to infiltrate the air you breathe. You neither pray, fast, nor seek My mercy.
The wildfires consuming your land are a reflection of the spiritual desolation within you. The outward destruction mirrors the rebellion in your souls.
Turn back to Me, children of the earth.
The days ahead will be marked by sorrow, for you will reap what you have sown. The father of lies and the legions of darkness work day and night to ensnare you further. My protection rests on the few who remain faithful. Yet many dwell in the lowest spiritual state, consumed by the fires of Gehenna.
Cry out for My mercy while there is still time. Turn away from your wickedness. Fast and humble yourselves, so your prayers may reach Me, and I may see traces of goodness in you. Seek My mercy, that you may inherit the eternal riches of Heaven and the life I desire for you.
Pray, My children, for California and the world. The days are growing darker, and many cities in your nation will experience catastrophic events, claiming countless lives. The abyss has been opened, and many souls are falling into its depths even now.
(A tear fell from Jesus’ eye and rested on His upper cheek. Within that tear, I saw souls falling into hell. I saw countless people and entire cities engulfed in flames.)
My Heart aches. I have prayed deeply for many places in your nation and across the world. Oh, how much suffering will befall mankind!
Oh, children of My Heart,
Consecrate your wills to Mine. Surrender your hearts to your true Father, who longs to heal and restore you. Only then will you find refuge and peace in the midst of the storm.
Oh, children of the United States of America, turn back to Me with all your hearts. My blessings and mercy be upon you.