The Sign of Jonah Has Already Appeared

Message From Jesus: To the Little Apostle of the True Faith on 04/24/2024


Dear Ones,

I urge this generation to be cautious, vigilant, and prepared to face the challenges ahead. At any moment, My Father could lift His protective hand, allowing a world steeped in idolatry and sin to experience the consequences of its choices.

The hands of My Beloved Mother Mary remain ever extended toward you, calling all her children to the Father and to My Sacred Heart, where mercy, healing, and restoration await. She, as the Mother of Mercy, intercedes tirelessly for all humanity, urging you to return to the loving embrace of the Father, so that all may be healed and reconciled in My Sacred Heart .

Be vigilant, for the sign of Jonah has already been given, and the signs I spoke of are beginning to manifest in your world. These signs herald a time of tribulation, when evil will be exalted, and falsehood will reign. Watch for these signs—not to predict the time of My return, but to prepare your hearts for the magnitude of evil that will arise. These times demand your readiness in faith, prayer, and unwavering hope.

The battle you face is not against flesh and blood but against principalities, powers, and the rulers of darkness in this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places. In these times, you must be clothed in the armor of faith, truth, and righteousness, with hearts set on My will and souls firmly anchored in My Love. Hold fast to prayer, the sacraments, and the teachings of My Church, for they are your refuge and strength during these trials.

My dear ones,
I love you deeply and desire your wellbeing.

Pray without ceasing, listen attentively to My voice, and seek the shelter of My grace. Only through My grace will you be protected, and only through My grace will you find the strength to make righteous choices in these troubled times

How will you respond to this call? Will you delay your walk with Me, or will you prepare your hearts now with faith, repentance, and readiness? The hour of grace is now—do not wait! The grace I offer is abundant, and My mercy is everlasting. Prepare your hearts to meet Me in holiness and love, for I am coming soon to bring you into the eternal joy of My Kingdom, where pain and suffering will be no more.

Be ready, for I come quickly. Let your hearts be filled with hope, for the Kingdom of Heaven is near. Do not be afraid, for I am with you always, and My love will guide you through the trials of this world.

I bless you with My divine love.


Theological Documentary

This powerful message from Jesus reflects His deep love for humanity and serves as a call to vigilance, repentance, and unwavering trust in God’s providence. Grounded in Sacred Scripture and aligned with Catholic teaching, it offers hope and guidance for navigating the trials of these times.

The Role of Mary: Mother of Mercy

Jesus reminds us of the Blessed Virgin Mary's vital role in interceding for humanity. The Church teaches that Mary, as Mother of Mercy, tirelessly leads us to Jesus, offering healing and reconciliation through His Sacred Heart. As Pope St. John Paul II wrote in Redemptoris Mater:
"Her maternal mediation does not obscure the unique mediation of Christ but rather shows its power." (RM, 22)

Biblical Reference:

  • “Do whatever He tells you.” (John 2:5)

  • “The Blessed Virgin is invoked under the titles of Advocate, Helper, Benefactress, and Mediatrix.” (CCC 969).Mary’s Intercession: Emphasizing her role as Mother of Mercy, as recognized by the Church (CCC 969).

  1. Vigilance and Signs: The call to watchfulness and the reference to the sign of Jonah are grounded in Scripture (Matthew 12:40, 24:42-44).

  2. The Sign of Jonah: A Call to Repentance

    Jesus mentions the sign of Jonah, which He Himself linked to His death and resurrection. It is a call to repentance, echoing Jonah’s mission to Nineveh. This sign reminds us of the need for personal conversion and readiness for the Kingdom of God.

    Biblical Reference:

    • “For as Jonah was three days and three nights in the belly of the whale, so will the Son of Man be three days and three nights in the heart of the earth.” (Matthew 12:40)Spiritual Warfare: Reflects St. Paul’s teaching on the armor of God (Ephesians 6:12-13).

    • “Put on the full armor of God, so that you can take your stand against the devil’s schemes.” (Ephesians 6:11)

  3. Catechism Reference:

    • “The whole of man’s history has been the story of dour combat with the powers of evil.” (CCC 409)The Sacraments as Refuge: Highlights the Eucharist and other sacraments as sources of grace and strength (CCC 1129).

    • The Sacraments: Refuge and Strength

      Jesus reminds us of the sacraments, particularly the Eucharist and Reconciliation, as sources of grace and protection. These are vital for spiritual strength in times of trial.

      Catechism Reference:

      • “The Eucharist is the source and summit of the Christian life.” (CCC 1324)Hope in Christ’s Return: Affirms the Church’s teaching on the Second Coming (CCC 673, Revelation 22:12).

      Hope in Christ’s Return

      Jesus assures us of His constant presence and promises His imminent return to establish His eternal Kingdom. This aligns with the Church’s eschatological hope, encouraging us to persevere in faith and prepare for His coming.

      Biblical Reference:

        • “Behold, I am coming soon.” (Revelation 22:12)

        Catechism Reference:

        • “Since the Ascension, Christ’s coming in glory has been imminent.” (CCC 673)


Dialogue with Jesus on Corpus Christi


You belong to a kingdom that has no end.