Medjugorje & the Call of the Chosen

Message From Blessed Virgin Mary - 02/10/25 at 12pm


Dear Children,

Today, I wish to speak more about my appearances in Medjugorje. Through this message, Jesus has chosen to reveal a special light to you—a light that I have not confided to any of my other children in the world, but only to the Little Apostle of True Faith on this very day.

Thank you for your Rosary prayers! I love you!

Before my visitations in Medjugorje, while in Heaven, I spoke with my Son, Jesus, about His plans for that small town. He expressed His desire to choose seven strong souls from there to carry forth this immense endeavor for the world. These souls, destined to receive boundless graces through my Immaculate Heart, needed to bear the powerful blessings of Heaven with ease—possessing unique character, pliable hearts, and a childlike spirit. Although they would be touched by sin, they would hold the special graces necessary for our mission on Earth. Their souls were also to be marked by unwavering perseverance, determination, a willing spirit, courage, and deep loyalty—qualities preserved in grace by God, the Almighty Father, from the moment of their birth.

With great joy, I agreed.

As Jesus began searching hearts in Medjugorje to fulfil His plan, He found only six in that little town who were able to bear the full extent of His graces, witness my appearance, and carry out His divine plan. Yet, as a mother, I sensed sadness and disappointment in His Heart, for His plan required seven souls.

I then pondered how we might continue the mission. My desire to serve my beloved Son even more broadly led me to suggest that, instead of limiting ourselves to these few, He could extend these graces worldwide for a time—allowing any soul to receive them and fulfil the role of the seventh heart. These would be messengers, altogether lovely, united with our mission and with the children of that little town! Surely, I thought, in this vast world many would possess these qualities. In unity with my beloved children in Medjugorje, they could help bring this mission to life anew.

When I shared this hope with Him, He rejoiced in my motherly wisdom and intercession, blessing my plan. Oh, how happy I am to have pondered it and offered my motherly thoughts to Him!

Thus, I was sent to Medjugorje, and six chosen children in that region, as expected, received me with great faith. They welcomed the graces of my Son, and by embracing these blessings, they were privileged to witness the ongoing appearance of my Immaculate Heart to this day and to receive my maternal guidance—trembling at times with awe, yet with open and courageous hearts. And my Immaculate Heart rejoiced!

Our plan began as intended, and these special children received His graces fully, witnessing my complete appearance as their Mother and sharing my motherly wisdom with the world.

From that time onward, these same graces were generously poured out to the rest of the world. As Jesus and I hoped, other special children have been able to receive these graces in their fullness, possessing the same qualities of character as my children in Medjugorje. They have brought me immense joy by fulfilling my Son’s expectations.

As my messengers in your world, they witness my appearances and are called to be part of my Son’s mission for these last days—to be heralds of Heaven’s messages, leading others to conversion and healing. From within their hearts flows a river of living water—a higher wisdom born from their union with our United Hearts, directly from my Immaculate Heart and the Heart of Jesus, strengthening the bond of faith among the faithful.

Even though many of my messages from the little ones of my Heart have not yet received official church approval, you will witness the fruits of conversion in those who embrace them, as hearts are transformed in their pursuit of holiness. This wisdom will resonate within your soul, inspiring a renewed devotion to the sacraments of the Holy Church. You will be stirred to live for God, to love Jesus, and to cherish and defend His Church.

Throughout the 20th century, beginning from the glorious year of 1981 and continuing to this day, these souls have endured trials with steadfastness and consistency, becoming special vessels of Our United Hearts, fulfilling our plan, and emerging as true messengers of Heaven. Each was entrusted with a unique mission, yet shared the same radiant light of my Son—bringing illumination to the world’s conscience, awakening its need for conversion, and supporting my Son's Church.

Dear Children, I shall soon come again and disclose to you more of my motherly thoughts.

Oh, how my Son Jesus loves you! Through this message, I impart my maternal blessing and the blessing of the Sacred Heart of Jesus!


Why Mary Calls You to Medjugorje


When Mary’s Visitations End