Mary’s Gentle Counsel for Families

Message From Blessed Virgin Mary - 10/18/23 at 12:00pm


My Dear Ones,
As your mother, I hold you close to my Heart, offering you comfort and solace in these times of need. Heaven still speaks. Always remember, my dear children, that God has not abandoned you, and I am here as your faithful spiritual mother.

I urge you to invoke the guardian angels daily for your children, one by one, and for family members.

If by chance you begin thinking of your children or are reminded of them, know that it is the Holy Spirit nudging you to pray for them specifically.

I encourage you to let your children see your humility and faith in Jesus, as well as your Christian love for your spouse. Display the gentle parenting, the nurturing essence of spiritual motherhood, and let the fragrance of your love for God and your family permeate your household. Make it a safe haven for all to rejoice and feel God's presence, as if they were experiencing the celestial home yet on earth.

Mothers, if any of you are struggling with understanding the weight of the Christian journey and virtues, seek God’s guidance. Challenge Him to make known to you His ways!

God’s holy angels will be sent to you and fill your hearts with hymns of love and illumination, so that you may begin to hear and feel the Holy Spirit. He will inspire you, allowing the gift of understanding, already bestowed upon your soul through baptism, to flourish within you. Radiate these virtues to your children, so they may live in the light of Holy Truth.

Seek St. Joseph's intercession daily. Recognise the crucial fatherly role you have in your children's lives. Through your example, may they discern God's boundless love. Let your children always see how you prioritise traditional Christian values and morality over worldly values in your speech and daily decisions. May these actions, genuine and holy, be detected by them with ease.

As Jesus grew in wisdom, Joseph and I observed how He matured in His decision-making. He began to take steps independently, without our parental intervention. We witnessed the deeper, fulfilling life He was building for Himself. As parents, we recognized that there would come a time when we would need to allow Him to manifest outwardly His inner holy manhood and mystical world, shaping His destiny.

Remember that every child will eventually chart their own destiny, guided by their inner world, lovingly and steadfastly arranged by the Holy Spirit.

That is why it is crucial to trust in your parental teachings and the protective guidance of your Heavenly Father. Trust God to lead them from then on.

It is essential to give them the freedom to discover themselves, test the wisdom and knowledge they have received at home, and decide if such wisdom can answer all their questions about truth. Like all parents, we, too, had our struggles with Jesus. It is natural for every parent to feel the weight of changing times. It can be challenging to adapt to newness and change.

Jesus often shared with me His thoughts: “I'm making something new, Mother. Trust Me!” Through prayer, Joseph and I trusted in the education and teachings we provided to Jesus and hoped we upheld God's law as best we could.

Parents, let this example guide you. Your children will always remember your prioritization of righteousness and will be accompanied by grace throughout their lives.

Joseph and I persisted in holiness all our lives and understood our roles, as well as Jesus's, in the divine plan.

However, what remained unknown to us, known only to His soul by God, was a challenge unless He chose to confide in us. We respected His freedom and urge you to understand the significance of such conscious parental detachment.

I speak of holy detachment, not worldly detachment without care for your little ones. What I mean is caring for, supporting, and instructing your children when necessary, according to God's wisdom, with heavenly counseling, wise words, and exemplary Christian role models. But also exercise the holy detachment of allowing your children the freedom to grow spiritually at their own pace.

Without hesitation, share your life stories, trials, challenges, holy wisdom, teachings, and faith journey with your children periodically.

Preserve Christian history within your family, for all that has been conveyed to humanity regarding holy Christian endeavours and history might be erased from societal consciousness. Joseph and I did the same with Jesus, drawing from our Jewish heritage.

My parents, Ana and Joachim, also preserved our faith against the influences of modernism.

Emphasize to your children the importance of understanding and accepting the roles of masculinity for sons and femininity for daughters in God's eyes and His divine plan. Encourage them to nurture these God-given qualities from birth.

When faced with parenting challenges, remember Christ's teachings of love and service. Serve your children with humility, even when they are in the wrong. Recall Jesus's example: to forgive and exhibit true heavenly humility. In this manner, your children will grow in wisdom, just as Jesus did.

We passed on teachings rooted in our ancestors' understanding of the Law of Moses, the Law of Love, personified completely later on in Jesus's own being and life.

Cherish every moment with your family. Use each day as an opportunity to strengthen the bonds of love and faith. Guide your children with patience and understanding, being their anchor especially in moments of doubt.

Find solace in the Holy Rosary; it is a powerful bridge to God’s grace! Through its mysteries, discover guidance, fortitude, and God's unceasing love.

Upon finishing reading this message, I ask my beloved to bow your heads in reverence to God, reflecting on His eternal goodness. From this moment in His everlasting existence, God will bestow His paternal blessing upon you. You will then receive His thrice-holy parental blessing upon your souls.

Thank you for being my children. I also impart unto you today my motherly blessings! I love you, dear children!      


Theological Documentary

This message from Our Blessed Mother calls us to a deeper understanding of the spiritual battle facing humanity, particularly the youth. Drawing from Sacred Scripture, the Catechism of the Catholic Church, and the wisdom of the saints, we reflect on these key theological themes:

  1. The Role of the Family:

    • The family is described as the "domestic church" (CCC 2204), forming the foundation of faith.

    • Parents are tasked with modeling Christian virtues for their children.

    • Reference to Proverbs 22:6 underscores the importance of early spiritual education.

  2. The Reality of Hell:

    • The Catechism explains hell as eternal separation from God (CCC 1035).

    • Mary’s vivid description of hell serves as a warning about rejecting God’s mercy.

  3. Hope in the Triumph of Mary’s Immaculate Heart:

    • The prophecy at Fatima highlights Mary’s ultimate triumph: "In the end, my Immaculate Heart will triumph."

    • This is a source of hope for those faithful to Christ and His Mother.

    • Through prayer, repentance, and fidelity to God’s commandments, believers can participate in Mary’s mission to lead souls to Jesus.

    • Encouragement to respond with humility and seek Mary’s intercession in difficult times.



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