Solemnity of Mary, Mother of God

Message From Blessed Virgin Mary To The Little Apostle on The Solemnity of Mary, Mother of God. 01/01/24 at 12:00pm


Dear ones,

On this solemn occasion, as you celebrate and honor me as the Mother of God, I come to you, my beloved children, with a Heart filled with immense joy and gratitude!

Thank you for your prayers and sacrifices offered for the success of my motherly endeavors in your world. Each heartfelt prayer ascends to the throne of God, bearing witness to your trust in His divine will.

Know, my children, that God, in His infinite goodness and mercy, continues to reign in the hearts of the just and meek. To them, He bestows abundant grace, strengthening them in holiness and drawing them ever closer to His Sacred Heart.

In the eyes of my Son, Jesus, your openness and acceptance to my maternal guidance bring Him great joy. He sees the beauty of souls glorifying God the Father, living with simplicity and humility in their thoughts, words, and deeds. These virtues shine as a radiant testimony to His love and truth and fill my Immaculate Heart with joy beyond measure.

Remember, my dear children, that although I am not physically present among you, my maternal presence is always near. Each time you pray the Holy Rosary, you invite my love and guidance into your lives.

Through this prayer, you are drawn closer to the Sacred Heart of my Son, and I intercede for you before His throne with a love that knows no bounds.

My children, embrace humility, and seek holiness in all you do. Be assured that I am watching over you, and leading you gently to my Son.

With my motherly love and blessing,
I embrace you all.                                        


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