The Threat of Avalanches

Message From Blessed Virgin Mary - 02/20/24 at 6:00pm


Dear Children,

My beloved children, I urge you to pray the Rosary with heartfelt devotion during this epoch of great challenge. You will witness the shifting of mountain terrains and the trembling of the earth in its sorrow and upheaval. These events may bring massive avalanches and result in the tragic loss of countless innocent lives.

Many will cry out for help, but their voices may be silenced beneath the weight of the earth. Yet, take heart: only the Sacred Hearts of my Son and I will hear their cries, offering them comfort and interceding for their souls.

Offer your prayers for those who may suffer such a fate, that they may find eternal rest in God’s loving embrace. Pray also for those who hear God’s voice urging them to seek refuge in safer places, that they may respond with courage and obedience, and thus be spared from harm.

Remember, my children, the Rosary is a powerful weapon against the forces that seek to destroy both body and soul. Through this prayer, you can intercede for the world and contribute to the triumph of God’s peace and justice.

I bless you now with my maternal love and entrust you to the Sacred Heart of Jesus, your unfailing refuge and strength. Remain steadfast in prayer and trust fully in His divine mercy.


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