St. Beatrice:A Martyr’s Heart And Her Story

Message from St. Beatrice (Catholic Martyr) to The Little Apostle on 03/01//25


Little Apostle, I am Beatrice, a humble servant of Christ, who didst dwell upon the earth in the fourth century. By the decree of our Lord Jesus, was I sent unto thee, that I may offer mine aid to the Heavenly Ark in this appointed hour. Thus, I come to share a portion of mine earthly sojourn, that we, as sisters in His holy labor for humanity’s salvation, may flourish in unity and understanding.

(As she spoke, her words carried a sense of the past, rich with the reverence of ages long gone. I found it difficult to grasp the depth of her language. Then, as if God perceived my struggle, I sensed a sudden woosh pass through my head, followed by a gentle breeze entering my mind—like a breath of the Holy Spirit. In that moment, He gently illumined my understanding, granting me the depths of His grace so I might perceive her meaning with clarity. And just a little later, in an instant, crossing all barriers of time and tongue, I was able to listen to her with profound understanding. God, who knows every thought within our hearts, saw my struggle and, in His boundless mercy, increased His grace upon me as she shared the wisdom of her journey in Christ.) She continued:

I was a young woman, prepared to be wedded to a great monarch, and my parents rejoiced, believing my life would be fulfilled in the dignity of earthly royalty. But God, in His divine providence, called me to follow Him alone. I knew I was experiencing something beyond human understanding, and within my soul, I questioned everything, seeking His wisdom.

My heart was troubled by the world’s ways, by the forces that led so many astray from truth, and by a society that seemed to live without reflection. In the depths of my being, I felt a calling that I could not ignore. My soul rebelled—not against rightful order, but against the blindness of a world that refused to seek the highest good. I could not stand idly by, seeing those around me live in ways that dishonored the dignity of our divine calling. I longed for truth and freedom, not the freedom of the world, but the freedom that comes from belonging fully to Christ.

From the courage that God Himself bestowed upon me, I moved forward, seeking to expose the hidden injustices that plagued my kingdom. I became increasingly aware of the darkness afflicting so many souls, and in the depths of my heart, I understood: my life was to be an offering, a sacrifice of love in martyrdom. I no longer concerned myself with the future, for I had been entirely claimed by God. He alone was my King, and in Him, I placed all my trust. He filled me with holy courage, boundless goodness, and the compassion of His Sacred Heart.

Now, living in the radiance of eternity, I rejoice in the perfect joy of Heaven, for I was conformed entirely to my Savior, Jesus Christ.

My earthly witness, sealed in blood, remains a testimony to the transforming power of divine love.

St. Beatrice: Little Apostle, in our next encounter, as God wills, I shall share the wisdom I gained through mine martyrdom, imparting it unto His Holy Church in this age. O dearest sister, how wondrous is the Kingdom Celestial! By command of our Lord, I am bid to make known unto you that our Most August Queen shall grace you with Her presence upon the thirteenth day of this month.

Little Apostle: Thank you, Saint Beatrice. I am sorry I missed our last meeting. I will surely be ready for our next gathering, and please know that I am making reparation to God for my lack of vigilance so that I may honor Him with greater zeal and offer due reverence to you and the grace He bestows upon me.

St. Beatrice: Well hast thee spoken, dearest sister. Abide in His grace until we meet again. Go forth in peace and blessing.


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