St. Michael: The Church & the Absence of the Vicar of Christ
Message From St. Michael To The Little Apostle on 02/18/25
Dear Child,
I am Michael, the Archangel, defender of the Church and servant of the Most High. I come to you today to deliver a message to the Church of our Lord Jesus Christ.
Praise be to the Almighty Father, who is the source of all life, sustaining all creation by His divine will. His power is manifest throughout the heavens and the earth, breathing in all things His Love and guiding His people in His providence.
Verily, I, Michael, with the heavenly militia, bring forth a message that offers both comfort and solemn warning:
The Church of Christ is eternal in His Heart! The Holy Church shall never be overcome, for it is founded upon the Rock, and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it . Through every act of faith, united to the Divine Will, the Church directs the world toward healing, peace, and the fulfilment of God's perfect plan.
Yet, a time of trial is upon the Church, for soon she shall mourn the absence of her shepherd, the Vicar of Christ!"
But take heart, for as the Lord has always provided for His Bride, so shall He raise up a leader of great humility and wisdom, one who will restore the Church in glory and lead it toward the fullness of its divine mission.
This chosen soul, strengthened by grace, will invigorate the mystical body of Christ to withstand the storms ahead, inspiring zeal, courage, and unwavering fidelity to the truth.
Know this: the Church is forged in the strength of Christ’s Precious Blood, the Lamb slain from the foundation of the world .
As the tide of souls rises and the battle intensifies, the Church shall witness the foundation upon which it stands—the immovable strength of Christ Himself.
I, Michael the Archangel, shall continue to guard and defend the faithful with even greater vigilance, assisting in steering the great vessel of the Church through the tempest of this age.
The Church of Christ, as a mighty ship, shall navigate the stormy seas, guided securely between the two great pillars—the Holy Eucharist Heart of the Savior and the Immaculate Heart of Mary. These signs shall shine forth as beacons of divine protection and holy victory, anchoring the Church firmly in God’s grace and power.
I bless you in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ, who commands that His Church be strengthened through the reception of His Most Holy Body, Blood, Soul and Divinity.
For in the Eucharist, the Church shall find her strength, and in the impending years, she shall march forward in truth, holiness, and the light of Christ, bearing ever in her heart the emblem of salvation.
I stand before you as a messenger of the Most High, carrying today the blessing of God.