American Leader Chosen by God

Message From Jesus: To the Little Apostle of the True Faith on 07/14/2024

Little Apostle:
Dear Jesus, I love You! In Your gracious kindness, my Lord, will You be able to share with me Your thoughts about the incident involving our former President, Donald Trump yesterday?
Your Will be always done, my Lord Jesus!


I AM, My beloved, pleased to reply to your question. Thank you for your prayers for souls, for My Church, and for world peace! I bless you with My unfathomable love.

Indeed, as your Savior, I AM always aware of all that happens to My Father’s children throughout His creation. My Spirit is ever ready to comfort, guide, and strengthen them with heavenly wisdom, to bring them peace, and to counsel them with discernment.

My child, this former president has indeed faced countless trials. I AM with him, even in the most perilous moments, guiding him through the call he has received by the whisperings of My Spirit. He is invited to fulfill his purpose within My Will. For such a time as this, he has been given a significant role in your world and has embraced this calling. Know that he belongs to Me .

My divine hands have protected him, for like David, he has shown courage and has been chosen as Heaven’s vessel for a purpose beyond human understanding. The world is in great peril!

Through him, I may extend My protection over your nation and offer peace to a world in desperate need of rest and a shield against the forces of evil.

The purpose I have bestowed upon him remains.

Know, My child, that My Mother, Mary, and her angels were sent to protect him during the latest political gathering at the appointed hour of grace. Although he may not yet fully understand her maternal intercession, she continues to watch over him and your nation with a motherly guardianship, as she does for all her children.

Through the Rosary, My Mother Mary achieves great things for Me, as she strengthens the Church and protects the children of her Immaculate Heart. Each of you, as her children, must stand ready with Heaven, to be her * heel that crushes the head of the serpent . In the face of the world’s most crucial struggles against evil, you are called to be instruments of grace, faith, and love .

I bless you in the infinity of My love for you. Trust in My Sacred Heart, and know that My plans are always for the good of those who love Me.


Theological Documentary:

Genesis 3:15, known as the Protoevangelium ("First Gospel"), prophesies the enmity between the serpent (Satan) and the woman (interpreted as Mary), as well as their offspring. While the original Hebrew text indicates that the "seed" of the woman—understood as Jesus Christ—will crush the serpent's head, St. Jerome's Latin Vulgate translation rendered the pronoun as ipsa ("she"), emphasizing Mary's role in this victory.

Theologically, Christ is credited with the definitive defeat of Satan through His death and resurrection. However, Mary plays a significant role by cooperating in God’s plan of salvation. She is seen as the "New Eve," whose obedience contrasts with Eve’s disobedience. St. Irenaeus highlighted this, stating: “The knot of Eve's disobedience was untied by the obedience of Mary.”

The "heel" in the prophecy symbolizes Mary’s spiritual children, the faithful, who share in her mission to combat evil. Pope Pius X and other Church teachings affirm that Mary, as Mother of the Church, guides and protects her children in their spiritual battles. The Catechism (CCC 971) and Marian devotions emphasize her intercession and role in the Church’s ongoing struggle against sin and Satan.

In conclusion, Genesis 3:15 portrays both Christ’s ultimate victory over Satan and the participation of Mary and her spiritual offspring, who, through grace, unite with Christ in the ongoing battle against evil.

Explanation of Genesis 3:15:

“I will put enmity between you and the woman, and between your offspring and hers; they will strike at your head, while you strike at their heel.”

Genesis 3:15, often referred to as the Protoevangelium (the First Gospel), is the first biblical prophecy of salvation, given after the fall of Adam and Eve. It is rich with theological significance and has been interpreted in the following ways:

1. "I will put enmity between you and the woman"

  • You: Refers to the serpent, representing Satan, the fallen angel who tempted Adam and Eve into sin.

  • The woman:

    • The immediate interpretation is Eve, as the mother of all humanity.

    • In the broader and theological sense, the Church interprets "the woman" as the Blessed Virgin Mary, the "New Eve," whose obedience undid the disobedience of Eve (CCC 410, 489).

    • The "enmity" signifies the complete and total opposition between Mary and Satan, a separation ordained by God to ensure her purity and role in salvation history.

2. "And between your offspring and hers"

  • Your offspring (Satan's):

    • Represents all who align themselves with Satan and evil: demons, sin, and people who reject God.

    • These are often referred to as the "children of darkness" in Scripture (Ephesians 6:12, John 8:44).

  • Her offspring (Mary's):

    • On the surface level, this refers to all humanity descended from Eve.

    • On a deeper level, "her offspring" is specifically Christ, born of the Virgin Mary, who delivers the ultimate defeat of Satan.

    • Theologically, it also includes all who are spiritually united with Christ, referred to as the "children of Mary," who participate in Christ’s mission against sin and evil (Revelation 12:17).

3. "They will strike at your head"

  • They:

    • "They" is sometimes translated as "he" (Hebrew "hu"), which refers directly to Christ, the ultimate "seed" of the woman. Christ delivers the definitive blow to Satan by His Passion, Death, and Resurrection (CCC 410).

    • In Catholic tradition, this also extends to Mary and her spiritual children, who, united with Christ, participate in crushing Satan's influence (Romans 16:20, Revelation 12:17).

    • The "they" emphasizes the collective victory of Christ and His Church over the powers of evil.

  • Strike at your head:

    • The "head" symbolizes authority and power.

    • This prophecy foretells Christ’s victory over Satan, achieved through His sacrifice on the Cross and Resurrection, which destroys Satan’s dominion over humanity (Colossians 2:15).

    • Crushing the head signifies complete defeat and destruction of Satan's power.

4. "While you strike at their heel"

  • You (Satan):

    • Refers to Satan and his offspring—the forces of evil—who will attack humanity, especially those faithful to God.

    • Striking at the heel represents the attempts of Satan to harm, tempt, and persecute God's children.

  • Their heel:

    • The "heel" signifies the vulnerable and human aspect of Christ (His humanity) and His followers.

    • While Satan caused suffering to Christ (His Passion and Crucifixion), this "strike" was not a definitive victory, as Christ overcame death and sin.

    • The "heel" also symbolizes the faithful who endure trials and persecution for their faith, but who ultimately triumph through God's grace (Romans 8:37).

Summary of Key Themes

  1. The Woman (Mary/Eve): Mary, as the New Eve, is in complete opposition to Satan. Her role in salvation history includes giving birth to Christ, the Redeemer, and crushing Satan through her obedience and cooperation with God’s will.

  2. The Offspring (Jesus and Mary’s Children): Christ is the ultimate fulfillment of the offspring who defeats Satan. Mary’s spiritual children, united with Christ, continue to fight against evil in the spiritual battle.

  3. The Serpent’s Head (Satan’s Power): Christ’s death and resurrection destroy Satan’s dominion over humanity, symbolized by the crushing of the serpent’s head.

  4. The Heel (Christ and the Faithful): While Christ and His followers endure suffering, these are temporary afflictions that lead to ultimate victory over evil.

Support from the Catechism and Saints

  • St. Irenaeus:
    "The knot of Eve's disobedience was untied by Mary's obedience." (Against Heresies, 3.22.4)
    This emphasizes Mary’s role in reversing the effects of the fall through her cooperation with God.

  • St. Jerome’s Vulgate Translation (Genesis 3:15):
    St. Jerome rendered the pronoun as ipsa (“she”), leading to the interpretation that Mary, as the New Eve, actively participates in the crushing of Satan through her intercession and role in salvation.

  • Papal Encyclicals (Pope Pius IX, Ineffabilis Deus):
    This highlights Mary’s Immaculate Conception as the reason for her enmity with Satan and her unique role in salvation history.

Genesis 3:15 serves as a cornerstone of Marian theology, illustrating her role alongside Christ in the ultimate victory over Satan. Her spiritual offspring—those united with Christ—participate in this triumph by living faithful lives, resisting sin, and spreading the Gospel.

Yes, the "heel" can symbolically represent the children of Mary, who participate in the crushing of the serpent's head with Christ in every generation. This interpretation is supported by Scripture, Catholic tradition, writings of saints, and papal teachings. Below is a detailed explanation with references:

1. Theological Foundation: Genesis 3:15

Genesis 3:15 speaks of "enmity between the woman and the serpent" and "her offspring" striking at the serpent’s head. This prophecy is fulfilled in two ways:

  • Christ: The ultimate "offspring" of the woman, whose Passion, Death, and Resurrection crush Satan’s dominion.

  • The Faithful (Children of Mary): Mary’s spiritual children, who, by their union with Christ, participate in this spiritual battle.

This "heel" of Mary’s offspring signifies the vulnerable human efforts of Christians to resist sin and evil. However, through grace and Mary’s intercession, these efforts contribute to the ultimate victory of Christ over Satan.

2. Biblical and Catechetical Support

a. Spiritual Children of Mary

  • In John 19:26-27, Jesus entrusts Mary to the beloved disciple at the foot of the Cross:
    "Behold, your mother."
    Catholic teaching interprets this act as Jesus designating Mary as the spiritual mother of all believers (CCC 501, 969). As her children, we share in her mission of opposing sin and evil.

b. Participation in Christ’s Victory

  • St. Paul writes in Romans 16:20:
    "The God of peace will soon crush Satan under your feet."
    This verse reflects the Church’s active role in crushing Satan’s influence, in cooperation with Christ.

c. Mary’s Maternal Protection

  • The Catechism of the Catholic Church states:
    "She cooperated by her obedience, faith, hope, and burning charity in the Savior’s work of restoring supernatural life to souls." (CCC 968)
    As her spiritual children, we cooperate with Christ in this restoration through prayer, faith, and good works.

3. Writings of Saints

a. St. Louis de Montfort (True Devotion to Mary):

  • St. Louis describes Mary’s role in raising a generation of her spiritual children, the faithful, who will be "her heel" to crush the serpent. He writes:
    "Mary must shine forth more than ever in mercy, power, and grace in these latter times… She will raise up apostles of the latter times to fight the devil." (True Devotion to Mary, 50-54)

b. St. Maximilian Kolbe:

  • St. Kolbe emphasized Mary’s Immaculate Heart as the ultimate source of protection and victory over Satan. He taught that her spiritual children are the instruments by which Satan will be defeated.
    "She crushes the serpent’s head through us, her consecrated souls, by leading us to Christ."

4. Papal Teachings

a. Pope Pius IX (Ineffabilis Deus):

  • In this encyclical on the Immaculate Conception, Pope Pius IX highlights Mary’s unique enmity with Satan:
    "The most holy Virgin, united with Him by a most intimate and indissoluble bond, was, with her Son, the perpetual enemy of the venomous serpent."

b. Pope John Paul II (Redemptoris Mater):

  • Pope St. John Paul II connects Mary’s maternal role with the Church’s ongoing spiritual battle:
    "Mary’s spiritual motherhood embraces each and every one in the Church and all mankind. It is precisely in this way that the woman of the Protoevangelium participates, with her offspring, in the battle against evil." (Redemptoris Mater, 47)

c. Pope Francis:

  • In a 2020 reflection on Genesis 3:15, Pope Francis emphasized Mary’s role in defeating Satan, not as a lone figure, but in union with her spiritual children:
    "The ‘heel’ of the woman is represented by her children who, through Christ, continue to crush the serpent’s head in every age."

5. Historical Context of the "Heel"

Marian Apparitions:

  • Our Lady of Guadalupe (1531):
    Mary appeared as the one who crushed the serpent (symbolized in the Aztec religion). Her message emphasized the conversion of souls, with her children actively spreading her message of faith and repentance.

  • Our Lady of Fatima (1917):
    Mary asked for prayer, penance, and consecration to her Immaculate Heart to combat evil, highlighting her role as the protector of souls in the spiritual battle against Satan.

Artistic Depictions:

  • Throughout Catholic art, Mary is frequently depicted crushing the serpent’s head, often with her heel. This image underscores her victory over sin, achieved through Christ and her maternal cooperation.

6. Summary of the "Heel" as the Children of Mary

  • Who are the "heel"?
    The "heel" represents the spiritual children of Mary—those who live in faith, prayer, and union with Christ—participating in the defeat of evil.

  • How do they crush the serpent’s head?
    By living holy lives, praying the Rosary, frequenting the sacraments, and evangelizing, they contribute to the ongoing spiritual battle, united with Mary and Christ.

  • Theological Basis:

    • Genesis 3:15 (Protoevangelium): Mary and her offspring oppose Satan.

    • Romans 16:20: The Church participates in crushing Satan under Christ’s power.

    • CCC 501, 969: Mary’s spiritual motherhood encompasses all the faithful.


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