Jesus: God’s Chosen, Rejected & Resisted

Message From Jesus To the Little Apostle of the True Faith on 03/08/2025


Dear Child,

Let my people know how greatly it displeases Me when souls within My Church—My own people—in their pride and ignorance of My ways question how I labor within humble souls to bring forth My work for My Church at the appointed time.

Little Apostle: ( For a moment, I was granted a vision of the innermost depths of our Lord's Sacred Heart. I witnessed it beating with fervor and felt its sorrow echo within my own heart, as He pressed His hands upon His chest in deep lamentation.)

Jesus continued:

At times, oh, how I hear the roaring of wolves—wolves in sheep’s clothing—crying out:

'We must stop this vessel!

There must be some human flaw we can find to bring it to shame, to discredit it, and to suppress whatever its intentions may be.

How can this be? How can this work be from God?

How can this vessel accomplish so much?

How can this soul enrich the Church or labor so profoundly in a way that seems new?

Isn’t what this vessel is doing contrary to the norms?

Could there be ulterior motives behind the growth and the treasures found in this ministry or effort?

How can this vessel transmit such profound knowledge?

How could such a soul be used in this way?

Should it not have gone through this or that formality, as has always been required?

Ah…, I too heard such things—such roaringwhen I walked upon the earth of My Father!

Many were the vipers and wolves who could not accept the new work My Father was accomplishing through Me to save mankind!

The new always frightens the unprepared—those who lack a spirit of docility to My Spirit and true piety in their souls—for they fail to discern the movements of My divine renewal, the signs of the times, and the prophecies spoken by the prophets of old.

They seek and seek, yet never find, for they search with their minds instead of their hearts—hearts that should be wholly united to Mine to comprehend My will, which is so lovely and so pure, yet so hidden and yet so revealed, so eternal and yet ever new in all things!

Ah, but the delight of My Heart is great when I reveal My glory through the least of soulschosen to be vessels of great power in the midst of the world’s darkness, amidst disbelief, arrogance, and ignorance of My ways!

Many serve Me in name alone, believing that I cannot discern their innermost thoughts, detect their secret schemes, or know their evil intentions.

They assume that I Am limited by the constraints of human reasoning, as if I were bound by time. Yet I Am the Eternal One, the Second Person of the Most Holy Trinity, who brought forth time out of My infinite love and will.

Ah… for this reason, I now bring forth My Little Apostle of the True Faith, commanding her to step forward and march with My Sacred Heart!

Let the four corners of the earth marvel at My holy work—so lovingly built within the depths of her soul to endure upon the earth until the day she stands before Me, alongside My Holy Bride, My Triumphant Church, which is already in My Holy Presence.

Oh, how I cherish My Holy BrideMy Triumphant Church—who was sanctified during her earthly sojourn and has attained the fullness of My Heart's understanding. She has given Me glory and has been guarded, preserved, and cherished as My holy beloved through the ages.


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